ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter four

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⚠️TW of self harm mentions etc ⚠️

Carlos had just been to the nurses office to get his hand in a cast so he couldn't hurt it anymore, he was on his way to Jane's room for the night to watch movies with her as he also needed to talk to her about what had happened, he approached her room and knocked at the door.

"Jane? open up, it's Carlos." he knocked again, waiting for her to answer the door.

"Carlos!" she squealed and jumped into his arms, Carlos wrapping his arms around her.

"hey." he chuckled to himself, wrapping his arms back around her.

"movie time?"


Carlos followed Jane into her room, which was covered with blankets and pillows all over the floor, he locked the door behind him while Jane pulled him to the ground so they could cuddle. Carlos instantly pulling Jane into a side hug and resting his head against her "what do you want to watch?" He asked.

Jane looked at him and back at the TV, flicking through the movies "how about Snow White?"

Carlos rubbed her shoulder and smiled down at her "whatever you want." he chuckled, kissing her forehead softly.

"oh, Carlos?" she asked, looking up at him.

"yeah, Jane?" he looked down at her.

"what's going on with you?" she squeezed his hand in concern, but admiring his gorgeous face.

"I-I don't know Jane, I really don't know." he pulled away from her and sighed. "I got into a fight with someone today, I don't even know who is was. I mean they started it, I just finished it." he put his face into his hands and shook his head.

Jane frowned and felt bad for him, knowing it wasn't his fault. "Carlos? It's okay." she kissed his cheek and rest her head onto his shoulder, then looking up at him again.

Carlos looked down at the girl, his smile growing. "I love you." he placed a gentle hand onto her neck and leaned in for a kiss.

Jane blushed to herself and closed her eyes, kissing him back and putting a hand on the back of his head, Carlos felt a little uncomfortable as he had never kissed a girl this much but he continued for about a minute until he softly pulled away and rest his forehead against hers, his cheeks completely flustered red.


it was a few hours that had past, closing in on midnight, Carlos and Jane fast asleep next to each other on the floor, Carlos starting to twist and turn a bit as he began to dream.
It was midnight at Cruella's place, Carlos laid awake on the lumpy mattress he slept on in Cruella's dressing room, Cruella hadn't been happy with Carlos for the past few days, as she tried to force him to do something he didn't want to do, and he decided for once he was going to rebel against her and stand up for himself, so he told her 'no' and screamed at her to leave him alone, also running off from her and he didn't return home for two days.

Cruella entered the room and flicked the light on, looking down at Carlos who was already trembling, looking up at her.

"where have you been, Carlos? Mommy missed you." she smiled slightly as she had a knife in a hand, walking over to one of her coats she was working on and cut off some of the excess string from it, talking to Carlos as she did so.

Carlos rolled his eyes to himself as he just didn't reply and just ignored her, Cruella realised she wasn't getting a reply and turned to face him, the knife in her hand as she stepped closer, puffing her hair up.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now