ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter two

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it was the next day and all of them were at school, Mal was in her locker while talking to Ben and Jay was of course, flirting with all the girls, While Evie walked beside Carlos as he was still a bit shook up from the night before.

"are you okay?" Evie said as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, Carlos quickly jumping around.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine." he quickly turned around and put his headphones back on, jogging off from Evie to go to his class, she soon then approached Mal and Ben, softly turning Mal around.

"im worried about Carlos." she said as she looked at the two, who were leant against the lockers.

Mal watched Carlos run off and frowned, then looking at Ben "should we go talk to him?"

Ben looked down at the two girls then at Jay who was talking to someone "maybe give him a bit of time? or maybe one of us should talk to him.

"yeah, yeah good idea." Evie murmured quietly, then walking over to Jay.

Carlos ran off from his friends and everyone else, he went to a quiet bridge with a soft flowing river underneath it, his feet crunching along the fields of grass as he went to have some space for himself, before he just couldn't hold in his tears anymore and just dropped to his knees in tears, pulling himself up against an old tree and putting his head into his knees.

"i wish none of this ever happened." he cried to himself softly as he just thought about his childhood and his mother.
"why couldn't you have just not stolen any stupid Dalmatian in the first place? but you did it just so you can make yourself some pathetic clothes, oh but no you also decide to mistreat your only son and ruin his life!" he smacked his hand against a tree in anger and cried harder, not knowing why he was acting this way as this wasn't Carlos, at all.

it was beginning of first period and all the VK's including Ben, Doug, Lonnie and Jane were in the same lesson, which was Biology. Along with Chad Charming, Audrey, Uma, Harry, Gil and some of the cheerleading girls.

Jay was sat at his table, Lonnie beside him. As he started to wonder where Carlos was.

"uh-guys? where's Carlos?" he turned around to Mal, Ben and Evie who were sat behind him, and they all started to question where he was.

"I-I dont know." Mal spoke quietly as she didn't want their teacher to hear "I'll ring him."

Mal tried to ring Carlos but there was no answer, the others also tried but Carlos just refused to answer his phone, until the teacher whipped his head around.

"would someone like to share the gossip with me?" he hissed as he walked up to the group, all of them putting their phones away.

"no sir I-there isn't anything to share?" Evie coughed awkwardly and played with her hair, turning towards him.

"uh huh" he chuckled in disbelief.
"where is Carlos?" he asked, noticing he was missing. As he usually sat next to Gil but was nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know, something happened last night and I think he might still be upset about it. Do you want me to go find him?" Ben asked, and as he was the King, the teacher couldn't say no.

"yes please, Ben. ill inform Fairy Godmother that he is missing from lesson also." he smiled at Ben as he got up and exited the room, dropping his pen and paper and going to find the boy.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now