ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter five

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it was a few days later and Carlos was finally allowed back at school, since the "incident" he had just been spending time with Jane as nobody trusted him alone at the moment. It was the morning he was allowed back in, most of his injuries were a lot better, his hand was getting there and he had a few bumps and bruises but otherwise he was doing okay, as for what was going on in his mind-not so much.

Carlos had no idea what triggered him the other day but he really regretted it as he felt bad, his friends seeing him that way and him upsetting them. This hurt him, also that him and Jay weren't talking, after Jay "spilled" his secrets.

Carlos had a hoodie on so nobody would really know it was him and start asking questions, he pulled the hood up as he locked the door to his dorm and made his way towards his first lesson for the day, which was math with all of them. He made his way into the room, Evie making sure he was okay. He found his seat and sat down, putting his head on the desk. All the teachers had been informed about what had happened so they would allow him to leave if he really needed to.

Chad took his seat behind Carlos and started trying to talk to him and ask questions.

"hey Carlos, what happened the other day?" he said snakily and laughed under his breath, Mal and Evie giving him an evil glare basically telling him to shut the fuck up.

Carlos put his hands over his ears and tried to ignore Chad, starting to get a little upset.

A few of the people in the class starting laughing at Carlos, most of them were people he knew but the others were just either new or honestly irrelevant to him. He felt a tear run down his face as he covered his face with his hands.

"Chad cut it out!" Evie got up out of her seat, shouting at Chad and folding her arms, Doug pulling her back down.

"yeah, lay off him!" Jane shouted as she walked through the door into the lesson, finding her seat.

Carlos looked up at the teacher who was watching the drama unfold, he looked at Carlos and pointed to the door, Carlos just nodding and getting his bag, walking out of the class with tears falling down his face.

"Chad." the teacher started, folding his arms.

"yeah?" he laughed at his friends before turning to the teacher.

"get out." he pointed at the door, raising his eyebrows at him.

"what?!" he chuckled and looked at everyone else who was giving him dirty looks "oh you know what, fine." he sighed as he got up, walking to the door and standing outside of it, seeing Carlos walking off.

Carlos kept wiping his eyes as he heard Chad calling his name, but he did his best to ignore it until he felt a hand touch his shoulder and turn him around.

"you wanna know something?" Chad started, looking Carlos in the eyes with a hard grip on his shoulder.

Carlos just looked at where Chad's hand was then folded his arms, looking at Chad with a sly look in his eye "yeah?"

"I really dislike people like you, I thought you were alright. Carlos De Vil!" He exaggeratedly sung. (Just imagine Chad lmao) also using his hands to express his 'over dramatic' emotions.

"thinking your all this and that, walking round this school like you own it. Well guess what, you don't and you never will, nobody here likes you. Why do you think everyone's always looking at you, huh? It's because they think your evil, your going to steal their dogs at midnight and turn against us, running straight back to your mother like the rest of you will, I know your not here to help anyone, I don't even know why your at this school-and you wanna know one last thing? Jane doesn't love you either, me and her used to have a thing before I was with Audrey, and before you came along! I'm gonna tell everyone what your really like, and that your going to run back to your mother like a sheep, taking Dude with you too, so she can start her own 'fur fashion line', and your no different, either." he hissed in his face, Chad's grip loosening as Carlos just stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. Chad just glaring at him as he stood back outside of the classroom.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now