rotten roots of the isle {final chapter

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it was midnight, Carlos and Jay were both fallen asleep in the corridor near their dorm,  while the other VK's, Fairy Godmother, Jane, Ben, Beast and Belle were all sat around a large coffee table, talking about what they should do.

"we can't leave him like this, are you sure Dude is gone?" Jane asked, obviously worried for her boyfriend.

Uma sighed and nodded at Jane, also fiddling with her hands nervously.

Belle and Beast looked at each other "but you didn't find anything did you? apart from brown earmuffs? how do you know that was Dude?" Beast asked, his eyes pacing the room as he looked at Mal.

Ben's eyes quickly widened and shot up, looking at them all
"guys, you don't know that was Dude. all you saw was brown fur, most of the material in that factory is brown fur because we had it sent in months ago!"

Belle looked at Ben and rubbed his shoulder
"Ben's right, you guys should go and have another look, before concluding this."

Evie rest her elbow on the table and put her face in her hands.
"we should do that, but only a few of us go. to cause less commotion..I can go."

"I'll go too, Harry your coming, so is Jay, and-I'll bring Carlos." Ben said hesitantly and looked at them all.

"Carlos? you can't take him, what if Dude is gone? he wouldn't be able to handle it." Mal exclaimed at her blonde haired boyfriend, before grabbing his hand softly and pulling him back down to his seat.

"if I know anything about Carlos, he will go. he will do anything to find that dog, and he won't give up until he does." Evie glanced at Ben and Fairy Godmother.

"yeah your right, let's go." Evie then stood up from the table, followed by Ben and Harry, who went to go find Carlos and Jay.

"be safe-" Mal said quietly to Ben while she pulled him back and gave him a hug.

"I will." Ben kissed her forehead softly and quickly, then he went and followed Harry and Evie.


Carlos and Jay were now awake, as it was starting to get light outside. Jay looked over at Carlos who was sat in a corner, staring at the floor with no emotion, when they heard footsteps running towards them and Carlos' head jolted up.

"guys, we've gotta go to The Isle." Ben said as he looked down at the two, still running towards them then he pulled himself to a stop.

"why? what's the point? Dude's gone." Carlos muttered quietly and fiddled with his finger, when he felt an arm pull him up.

"he might not be, Ben said that the factory is full of brown faux fur, he got it sent in months ago. so there's a chance your mutt is still here and the earmuffs, were just another one of Cruella's tricks." Harry looked down at the smaller boy, while Carlos' face just lit up. {imagine Thomas saying this in his Scottish accent it makes it 10 times better lmao}

Jay got up and looked at Evie "let's go then, now." he ran towards the doors of the building, while Harry, Ben, Evie and Carlos followed quickly behind him and once again and hopefully for the last time, towards the barrier.

Carlos was the one to lead as they all made their way across, eventually finding themselves at the other side.

"right where would she be?" Jay asked as he looked at the other four, brushing down his clothing.

"the factory, duh." Carlos said so quick you could barely understand a word he was saying and he just started sprinting through The Isle to find his mother.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now