ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter seven

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Carlos was laid on the floor, in pain and balling his eyes out while everyone was in a daze as they had no clue what was happening, all he could hear was distinct chatter and noises.

"Carlos? come on, stay awake." Jay poured water on his face causing him to jolt up and cough, Carlos then giving him a dirty look while still gripping his stomach in pain, complaining about how bad it hurt.

"how did this happen?!" Mal shouted in anger and fear, turning back to look at the opposing teammate who was the one who accidentally injured the boy.

"I-I have no idea, I'm sorry." he mumbled under his breath, actually feeling really guilty, then putting his head down in disappointment.

Mal and Evie just shook their heads, looking back at Carlos, Ben and Jay. Ben and Jay crouched on the ground beside the poor boy who's abdomen was still bleeding.

Coach soon came running out onto the field, and Fairy Godmother ushered the rest of students back into the school, leaving just Mal, Evie, Ben, Carlos, Jay, Jane, the nurse, Coach and Lonnie on the field, as well as Beast and Belle.

the nurse ran over to Carlos and lifted his top off in a hurry, seeing the injury and her eyes growing with intensity, as she was in shock about how someone catching another student with a Tourney Stick could cause this, she held a gauze to Carlos' injury and looked back at Mal with fear in her eyes.

Carlos' eyes started to flutter shut slowly, his breathing becoming heavy as he couldn't control what was happening.

"Carlos?" Jane ran down beside him, shoving his shoulder frantically. "someone help him! someone help him!" she shouted, as she felt a warm tear running down her cheek and she quickly turned to Beast and the other VK's who just stood there with hesitation in their faces, as they wanted to tell her he was okay. but he really wasn't.


It was a day later, nobody had understood what happened to Carlos, but he had just laid in his bed in his dorm, still out like a light. He had been taken to the local hospital the night before and they helped sort his injury out and after monitoring him for an hour or two, they sent him back home. He was unconscious on his bed, Jay beside him as someone had to be with him in case anything else happened, he was already healing, apart from an IV which was in his hand to help him out, and Dude buried under Carlos' blankets. Jay and Carlos were supposed to be at Tourney practise but since the previous events, Ben insisted that Jay had a day or two off school, to look after Carlos since they shared a dorm, and Carlos couldn't go anywhere anyway. Meanwhile; Mal, Evie, Doug, Jane, Ben and Lonnie were in their lessons, all worried about Carlos and what was going on, they desperately needed a solution.

Mal was sat beside Evie in their shared math class, quietly chatting about Carlos under their breaths.

"M?" Evie said softly and quietly as she looked at her, pretending to scribble something down onto her book so she didn't get told off by Mr Deley.

Mal turned to her right and looked to Evie, who was looking at her with sad eyes. "yeah E?"

"I'm worried about Carlos, and Jay." she put her pen down on her book and fiddled with her fingers nervously, not knowing what to do.

"I don't have any idea on what to do, I really don't. I mean-something seriously bad could've happened to Carlos last night, and I don't want it happening again. any ideas?" she bit her lip nervously as she kept her eyes on Evie, who was thinking deeply.

Evie sat up and brushed her hair back onto her shoulders and then rest her face on a single hand, which her elbow was rested against the table. "I have no idea Mal, I mean-poor Jay is completely sleep deprived because he's worried about Carlos, I offered to stay with him but Jay refused, we can't let this go on. I want to help them both but we can't find a spell for whatever is wrong with Carlos and Jay is just being-Jay. stubborn." she sighed and groaned heavily in agitation and put her whole face into both of her hands.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now