ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter three

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Disclaimer: don't watch the video yet!! wait until it comes up in the chapter otherwise it won't make sense:)

Carlos had been sent out of his class for what he thought, he did nothing! he held onto his bag as he paced around the halls, while Fairy Godmother got a call from Mr Deley about what had happened and she went to collect Carlos, until she saw him pacing the halls, so she just watched him.

Carlos kept pacing up and down the halls, his hand covering his mouth as he was trying not to cry.

Fairy Godmother approached him and grabbed his arm softly "Carlos?" she asked, startling the boy as he turned round in shock.

"can you come with me, please?" she asked quietly, then looking down at his hand which was bruised "what happened?" she frowned as he quickly pulled his hand away from her.

"nothing, nothing happened." he looked down as he followed Fairy Godmother into Beast's office, who looked very very cross with him.

"Carlos, sit down." Beast instructed, as Carlos took a seat and nervously tapped his foot on the ground.

"skipping a lesson is an offence, skipping four lessons is an even bigger deal. This is not like you, so your exp-"

before Beast could finish his sentence, Carlos was already out of the room. Ignoring everyone who was shouting his name and following him, he just walked out into a corridor full of people who were looking at him, he covered his face in embarrassment as he made his way back to his dorm room, locking the door behind himself and sitting down on his bed moodily, then grabbing his guitar, starting to strum softly as he hummed the words for "I'm yours"
{watch the video now}

Carlos eventually put his guitar down and put his face in his hands, he still had a period left of school for that day but he wasn't going as he had already had a bad day and he wasn't in the mood for any of it, so he just laid in his bed staring up at the roof of his dorm, starting to drift off to sleep.

Mal, Evie and Jay were trying to find Carlos as they were really worried about him, as he had never been in this much trouble at school. Ben started to approach them and looked down at Mal.
"Dad told me that he walked out of his office about half an hour ago, do you know where he could've gone?" Ben asked.

"I have no idea." Jay said as he looked at Evie and Mal, shrugging his shoulders.

"let's try and find him before the end of free period, if we can't we'll have a look later. come on." Ben said as he started walking around the school trying to find him.

Carlos was fast asleep in his bed, starting to have another nightmare about his mother. This time it was the moment he spilled his drink on his mother's fur coat, and one of her dogs had bit him, leaving his hand dripping with blood, Carlos was screaming for his mother's help but she just ignored him as the dog growled at him, about to attack again. Carlos practically begging to escape, until his mother came into the room.

"Carlos, what is wrong? stop crying!" she moaned, looking down at the boy who's hand was covered with blood.

"the dog, I-it bit me!" he cried in pain, watching Cruella as she looked down at her fur coat which was covered with a drink.

"my coat!" She screamed in anger and shock.
Carlos! get out of here, now!" she shouted, literally throwing the boy out of the closet, still leaving his hand bleeding heavily.

"mother I-" he started, wiping his hand on his jacket before attempting to get up and help his mother.

"your a disgrace, Carlos." she held the coat in her hand before storming out of the room, locking the door behind her. Leaving Carlos in extreme pain.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now