ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter six

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Carlos was sat on his bed, Evie, Jay, Mal and Jane also beside him. Jane's arms wrapped around Carlos.

"I don't want to talk to Fairy Godmother though, what can she do? she can't 'bibiddi bobiddi boo' me out of this one." he sighed and rest his head on Jane's shoulder.

"no, but she might have something. mom has a lot of books, I know it sounds ridiculous you know-since she has that wand and all, but she has spells in her books-sort of like Mal's spell book! maybe she has one that can help you with this?" she said as she looked over at the three who were stood up in different forms, then at Carlos who was right beside her.

"maybe that could work." Mal pulled herself from the wall she was leant against and looked at Carlos. "In my spell book, I used to have a spell for dreams. It sounds so stupid and it was probably the most useless spell in the book- but it was to help people who didn't have dreams, dream. I mean if I had that in my spell book, surely Fairy Godmother would have something ten times more powerful, especially for something like this." she folded her arms as she glanced over at Evie who nodded in agreement.

"we should go ask her." Evie muttered as she started walking towards the door, about to open it until Carlos stopped her, grabbing her arm.

"guys, what if she can't fix this? what if this whole thing gets worse? she'll send me back to The Isle." he looked up at them, fear in his face.

Evie looked back at Jay who had no clue what to say and then looked at Mal and sighed, knowing Carlos was right.
"we won't let it happen, now come on." she looked back at the three stood behind her.

Carlos let out a heavy sigh before Jane helped him up and they all made their way towards Fairy Godmothers office, Jane just walking in, no knock.
"mom? we need your help!" she shouted through the room, not knowing where her mom was.

Fairy Godmother came running in from the small room connected to her office which was full of multiple spell books and books for lessons.

"yes dear? is everything okay?" she looked at them all, then looked at Carlos for a little longer before looking at them all in confusion.

"yeah uh-" Carlos started and made his way forward "can I talk to you about something?"

"of course sweetie, do you guys want to come in here?" she ushered them into the other room as they all followed, Jane holding Carlos' hand.

They all found seats and sat down, Fairy Godmother looking at them all "is everything okay?" her eyes followed between them, looking at one person then the other.

Carlos sighed and looked back at her "the reason all of this has been happening, is because I've been having really bad nightmares-well flashbacks, of my mother. But everytime I have them, they get worse, and that's when I get worse. I can't stop them, it's literally every night I go to bed and I just want it to stop, I don't wanna get sent back to The Isle." he felt a tear filling his eye as he quickly rubbed it away and looked around awkwardly, hoping nobody noticed as he felt like he had already cried enough.

"so-we was wondering if you possibly had like a-spell or something?" Jay said with hesitance in his voice, placing a comforting hand on Carlos shoulder.

Fairy Godmother raised an eyebrow before thinking for a second, then getting up out of her seat "I might have something, let me have a look." she walked over to a shelf and looked at her books, flicking through them and eventually picking out a spell book which looked really old, and dusty like it hadn't been used in years. She sat back down and got her magnifying glass out of her drawer, then looking back at the book as she flicked through the pages and tried to find a spell, as they all watched her with strong glares until she stopped on a page "here." she pointed at the page.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now