ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ {chapter three

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"look, we'll go see her after the game. alright?" Jay patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"she'll just tell me to leave her alone though, she doesn't like me-she just uses me for what she wants and then leaves me in the dust."

"Carlos, do you trust me?"

"y-yeah." Carlos gulped nervously, looking at him weirdly.

"Mal won't do that to you, I told you- none of this is real." he emphasises his hands and makes a circle to represent "the world isn't real."

Carlos sighed and looked at Jay, "if she won't do that to me, then why does she? I feel like a burden, she treats me like one. Can I not talk to Evie instead? I prefer Evie." He let out a slight laugh to ease the awkwardness but Jay instead gave him an unimpressed look.


"fine." Carlos rolled his eyes as Jay pulled him up off the ground and they started heading back across the fields to where tourney was taking place.


"I wonder if they're okay.." Evie says softly as she looks at Mal who is staring over the heaps of fields laid in front of them, only for her hope of Carlos and Jay returning.

"what if Carlos hates me Evie? I mean, he seems like he's gone back to how he used to act, before Auradon." Mal puts her head down and folds her arms, shaking her head.

"Mal, if I know anything about Carlos..I know he'll come round." She gave her a small grin and wrapped an arm around her for comfort.

"Can we go back inside? I think we need to talk to Fairy Godmother about this." Mal looked up at Evie for a 'yes'. Evie gave Mal a little nod and led her off the bleachers and back towards the school.

Evie and Mal walk through the hallways of the school, trying to figure out what is going on with Carlos and why he is acting different, until they come across Beast and Belle who were looking at the hallway paintings with lumieré and discussing what portrait to put up next.

"Beast, I-I mean your highness..I don't think a portrait of the Queen Of Hearts would be suitable..since you know, Auradon is now all about inclusiveness and peace, whereas the Queen Of Hearts isn't exactly a 'peace keeper'." Lumieré tries to explain in the least debatable of ways, in his posh French accent.

"but Lumieré, I thought we agreed-" begins Beast, before Mal and Evie run up to them and interrupt.

"Excuse me Beast, but erm-we need your help desperately." Mal looks at Beast like she was about to burst out crying while Belle offers Mal a hug.

"Of course Mal, Lumieré we will finish this discussion later." Beast raises an eyebrow at him and gives him a stern look, pointing him away.

"yes, your majesty. good day my ladies." Lumieré nods at Beast and then bows to Belle, Mal and Evie.

Mal pulls away from the hug with Belle and her and Evie curtesy to Lumieré with a smile.

"what's wrong Mal?" Beast wraps his arm around her and leads them into his office, sitting her down.

"I can't really explain it cos it makes no sense and I can't even understand it, but Carlos has been acting weird for the past few days and it's like he has a curse on him or something? I know that isn't the case since all magic is kind of abandoned here but you know, possibility?"

Belle and Beast look at each other and sigh heavily.

"we've been meaning to tell you; but we didn't think this would be the appropriate time since you know, school work but erm-your mother is no longer a lizard, let's just say that."

"What do you mean she's not a Lizard?! Is she dead?!" Mal stands up and slams her hands on the table, desperate to know in panic.

"no no not at all Mal, sit down hunny." Belle gives her a nervous smile. "Easiest way to put it is well; she's kind of back to her normal self."

Mal sits back down "do you mean human form?"

Belle and Beast nod slowly.

"we had a few calls and reports from our friends Cogsworth and Maurice who are currently over there doing journalism so we can study The Isle a bit more and let's just say Maleficent has been seen around."

Mal sits back in her seat, folds her arms and pouts her lips to think. "Do you think this is why Carlos is being the way he is? I never told you how he was acting, so how did you know it has anything to do with my mother?."

"Because Mal, some of them in The Isle are also acting weird, like Jordan the Genie's daughter? She went to visit The Isle to see her Uncle and came back a completely different person, so we're thinking your mother is out for revenge on people or revenge on people on someone else's behalf, this is where Carlos comes in. Maybe Cruella wanted revenge and Maleficent is the only way she could get it."

Evie and Mal look at each other with shocked faces.
"no, no you don't understand! if that is the case then we need to help Carlos as soon as we can, before we came here he had a really rough childhood, and when I mean rough-I mean abusive and horrible, and if he is back to the way he was he'll be just, not normal." Mal puts her head in her hands.

"you need to find Fairy Godmother."

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now