ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter eight

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Carlos looked at them all, still really confused about the whole situation.
"hold up-so my mom is practically trying to KILL me purely because she wants to get back at me? I mean at least for once she isn't after Dalmatians." he chuckled under his breath, looking at Jay who gave him a "look".

"sorry." he mumbled awkwardly, carefully pulling from the wall and Ben wrapping his arm around him, Jay the other side as Jane was a bit too small to support Carlos.

The VK's, Ben and Jane made their way out of Jay and Carlos' dorm, trying to figure out where to hide Carlos, as it was getting quite dangerous for the boy to be around campus at the moment, they all stood their trying to think.

"who feels like having a little camping trip?" Ben asked with a slight grin on his face, as Mal and Evie gave each other a strange look, Jane just looking purely confused and Carlos and Jay looking at each other also with wide smiles and glowing eyes.

"hell yeah!" they both shouted, then letting out a laugh as they both loved camping, it was pretty much a hobby for them both, they used to do it all the time when they first came to Auradon but Jay got caught up with Tourney and Carlos was just, Carlos. probably modding and messing with some technology.

Mal looked at Evie, then at Ben and nodded "it's our best bet, to keep Carlos safe at the moment. everyone-go get your stuff, we'll meet back here no later than..11:30, okay?" Mal raised her eyebrows as her eyes paced them all.

Ben nodded in agreement "I'll tell Dad, he can handle the kingdom for a few days-or as long as we need, to keep Carlos safe."

Carlos looked at Jay and nodded, while the others also agreed, Ben and Jay quickly helped Carlos back into their dorm to sit on his bed, all of them then leaving to run to get their things as quickly as possible, leaving Jay and Carlos in their shared dorm-which was really really messy.

Carlos groaned heavily as he carefully pulled himself up and held onto the dorm frame, before looking at Jay who was in his drawers full of clothes, throwing some into a bag.
"Jay?" he called, slowly making his way over to him and sitting on the ground, while grabbing an old backpack and throwing some clothes into it also.

Jay quickly turned around and looked at Carlos, who was slowly putting stuff into a bag with a sad look on his face "yeah?" he asked, frowning slightly as he reached forward and took Carlos' bag "I'll do this."

Carlos gave him a gentle grin and then sighed "for once-I'm actually scared of my mom. what is something bad happens?"

Jay put the bag down and sighed also, leaning forward to place a gentle, comforting hand on Carlos' shoulder and gave him a sad smile "it'll be okay, we promise. we won't let anything bad happen to you, just- rest for the minute. okay?" he said as he turned around and grabbed a blanket from his bed and passed it to Carlos who quickly pulled it over himself.

"thanks Jay." he chuckled softly as he turned his back to the other boy and stared at the wall, thinking about the endless outcomes.

it was now 11:30, all of the VK's were gathered outside of Jay and Carlos' dorm, as well as Jane and Ben. They were all waiting for Carlos who wasn't feeling great, for the past ten minutes he had been throwing up in the toilet-Jay was with him, trying to give him support.

Carlos coughed heavily as he drunk another glass of water and eventually pulled himself up off the ground, gripping onto Jay who just held him and their two bags, Ben quickly rushing in and taking them off him.

"I'm fine." Carlos said so quietly you could barely hear him, Jay had his arm wrapped around him as they made their way out of the room-Dude following, and they locked the door behind themselves because you know-Chad had a tendency to use their 3D printer, I mean-it was pretty cool.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now