rotten roots of the isle {chapter 2

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Mal and Evie let out a huge sigh as they both pushed open the doors to the ratty house, slowly looking around as they hear noises come from every nook and cranny.
"it's really weird to be back here." Evie mumbled as she looked at Mal, with softness filling her eyes.

"yeah I know." she replied, as she hears footsteps coming down the stairs and hearing two voices bickering.

"give me back my mirror, Queen!" Maleficent shouted as the Evil Queen held her dress up with one hand to walk down the stairs and held a mirror in the other.

"no no no I'm trying to apply my lipstick!" she said as she let go of her dress to look in the mirror and apply dabs of red matte lipstick to her lips, in the process trying to run away from Maleficent.

"mom?" Evie mumbled quietly, with a sad smile on her face as she took a step closer to the two villains.

"Evie? EVIE! my little evilette!" she exclaimed as she threw the mirror out of her hand and dropped it on the floor in shock, letting the mirror crack as she was obviously ecstatic to see Evie, after a long year.

"that was my only mirror!" Maleficent growled, bending over to pick up the shattered pieces
"eh, I can make it work." she mumbled to herself as she picked up the broken pieces and looked up to see Evie and Mal standing there.

"mommy!" Evie exclaimed and ran into her mothers arms, squeezing her tightly and then pulling away.

"I missed you so much! my little evilette." she squealed and pinched her cheeks
"you still need to sort the unibrow out" she mumbled as she picked a single eyebrow hair from Evie's face, Evie just chuckled awkwardly and looked down, while she was dressed beautifully in her gown.

"mal." Maleficent raised her voice as she said this, dropping the shattered pieces of the mirror on the floor and making her way down the stairs, catching her horns on the roof
"ah, the horns! the horns!" she exclaimed as she ducked under so she could fit and walked over to Mal, crossing her arms.

"still dancing and prancing around in your fancy ball gown with your pretty prince? or have you come back to help me?" she raised an eyebrow down at Mal.

"nice to see you too, mom." Mal sighed as she folded her arms and looked into Maleficent's eyes.
"learned to love me yet? as I see your no longer a lizard." she sarcastically laughed to herself.

Maleficent growled and turned away, the cape on her dress swishing behind her as she walked away from Mal, with a staff in her hand.
"you know I always loved you."


Jay was holding himself back against a wall, as Jafar got closer to him.
"son, you had one job." he held the staff up to Jay's throat, trying to scare him.

Jay just laughed "you don't scare me dad"

all Jay wanted was to come to see his father and hope everything blew over, but instead it was worse. he didn't want anything to happen as the four had already dealt with too much. Jay grabbed the staff and shoved it away from his throat with all the strength he had and it flew out of Jafar's hand, Jafar going with it.

"I came here to visit you, dad. But instead this is what you want to do to your son? this is your fault that any of this even happened. so don't you dare try and hurt me, ever again." Jay snapped as he stood above his father who was on the ground, looking up at him with fear in his eyes.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now