House of Osiris/House of Resolution

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Eddie went up to the second floor, through the room with all the snakes, and to the trap door in the room where the spider used to be. He unmatched it and crawled down into the chamber. He went towards the wall at the end which didn't need to be unlocked this time, but rather slid open as Eddie approached. He stopped once he was there.

The room they originally saw there wasn't there. Instead it lead to a long, wide corridor lit up by torches on the wall. The floor was a bluish-lavender, and Jackal-head statues lined the walls every few feet from eachother.

"Osiris' den. The Land of the Dead," a voice whispered.

Eddie went inside. His footsteps echoed, no matter how gentle they were. He took a deep breath and made his way down the corridor. He'd calm down from earlier and wasn't so angry, but he was still determined to find Nina. He'd still do whatever it'd take.

He began running as it seemed the corridor would never end until he reached sheer curtains hanging to cover an empty doorway. He made his way through, pushing the curtain aside, repeating this process with more curtains until he was surrounded by multiple curtains and was sure he was lost.

Yet, he heard Nina's voice-a soft, faint version of her voice. He followed the sound through one curtain and came into the room where Nina was. Though, she seemed unconscious. She was glowing a bluish-white color and hovered over the table in the room.


Fabian, Patricia, and Alfie decided to go after Eddie. Amber, Jerome, and Joy stayed back-actually Amber kept them back because she had to speak with them both. She escorted them into her room and had them sit down as she remained standing.

"Now, we all know here that Jerome and I kissed, and we also know that you, Joy, are not ok with that. No matter how much you deny it, you're not ok. And you, Jerome, you're not ok either. So, as an obligation I feel I have to you, Jerome, I need you two to resolve your issues."

"We've already tried talking it out," Joy admitted. "It's no use."

"Fine. What was the issue in the first place?"

Jerome and Joy glanced at eachother. Jerome gestured for her to explain.

"Ok," Joy sighed, "he broke up with me because he was afraid of commitment to the relationship. That's all I know. Pretty stupid if you ask me, especially if he loved me so much, but...I guess he didn't."

"Joy-" Jerome closed his eyes. "Oh, how do I say this?"

"Say what? That you're sorry or that I'm the stupid one?"

Jerome looked over at her. "Jumping to conclusions, are we?"

"It's either one or the other. You're either trying to apologize or you're still being a jerk."

"I'm being a jerk? Says the one who manipulated me in high school and recently lied about a boyfriend who was really just your neighbor!"

"What did you expect? I went seven years without seeing you, or hearing anything from you, and when I saw you again I didn't know what else to do!"

"I don't know, admit you still loved me?"

"Guys! Enough!" Amber squealed. "Stop turning this into an argument. I just want a discussion...Now that we're calm, Jerome, what did you have to say?"

"What I was going to say," Jerome began, now telling his story to Amber, "is that yes, I was afraid of commitment. And I truly am sorry. But at the time, I felt I couldn't give Joy everything she'd need from a man in her life. It's what happens when you love someone too much and doubt yourself to ever meet their needs. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I didn't. But I do know that I was younger then, and if it were now, I wouldn't make that same decision."

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