House of Searching/House of Best Friends

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The pocket watch caught Fabian's peripheral vision as the hand began to move. Eddie's hand made it to the tenth hour. With as fast as he's been growing more evil, it could be sooner than later for when he became completely evil. For now, it was stuck at the tenth hour though.

Patricia and Joy went into Fabian's room.

"We've declared something," Patricia announced.

"What?" Fabian asked.

"We need to go out and find Eddie and bring him back here," Joy explained.

"I'm not just gonna let him be out there," Patricia declared.

"He's at the tenth hour on the pocket watch," Fabian revealed to them. "By the time you get to him, he could be completely evil."

"I'm willing to risk it." Patricia breathed through her nostrils. "For him."

"Make sure you keep it secret," Joy commanded.

"But Joy, um-" Fabian tried to say.

"Thanks so much, Fabian," Patricia said before her and Joy left the room.

Fabian went after them, but they had already shut the door and were outside by the time he got to the foyer.

"Ok..." he murmured.

Fabian went back to his room. He realized Joy had left her door open. He could see the dog, Erik, sitting on her bed, staring straight back at him. Erik barked enthusiastically. Fabian sighed and went into his room.

Patricia and Joy had their flashlights in their hands.

"Alright, we just need to find him and hope he's still ok," Patricia instructed.

"You really care about him," Joy observed.

"Of course I do. I love him."

Joy and Patricia hurried through the forest, unsure if they were going in the right direction, but still just walking on. They began calling out Eddie's name.

After a while, Jerome, Amber, and Alfie left the kitchen. They passed Joy's room, seeing that Joy was absent but Erik was there. They figured she was in another room until Fabian came out of his room.

"Hello," he instantly said, realizing they were there.

"Hi," Alfie raised his eyebrows.

Fabian looked pretty guilty. Jerome, Amber, and Alfie stared t him silently.

"You know, we're actually just waiting for you to tell us what you look so guilt for," Amber stated matter-of-factly.

Fabian took a deep breath in and then a deep breath out. "Ok, Patricia and Joy-they've gone out to look for Eddie. They didn't want me to tell anyone-"

"-and you didn't?" Jerome cut him off. "They're out there in a dangerous forest with a potentially dangerous guy; you do realize that Fabian, don't you?"

Nina was overhearing them and stepped out of her room.

"We need to go find them," Jerome declared.

"I'll join you," Alfie volunteered. Him and Alfie hurried outside after grabbing their flashlights.

"I should go too," Fabian decided. "Nina, you should stay, just for the sake of your condition." Fabian kissed Nina on the forehead and grabbed his flashlight. "Amber, can you watch Nina for me?"

"Of course," Amber nodded. "But remember, she's not a dog, Fabian."

Fabian gave a uttered a fake laugh and then sped out after the others.

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