House of Visions/House of Confession

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Joy couldn't wait for Monday to come to see Jerome again. Early Sunday morning, she freshened up and headed down to the hospital. When she arrived to his room, she could hear his faint breathing as he rested in his bed. A machine was hooked up to him as well as tubes and devices needed to ensure he was well.

Joy pulled up a chair next to his bed. She slipped his hand into hers. Jerome stirred a bit, obviously feeling the touch. He murmured a bit. Joy watched as his eyes flickered open. He stared straight up at the ceiling for a moment. It seemed as if he hadn't yet realized anyone was there. Then he squeezed the hand that was in his and turned his head to the right. Joy stayed silent, waiting for his reaction.

"Joy?" his voice croaked. He probably hadn't spoken in a while.

"Hi, Jerome," Joy greeted softly, barely a whisper.

"Joy, is that really you?" Jerome removed his right hand from hers to stroke her face. Joy's head tilted downward as she felt a tidal wave of emotion swarm within her.

She looked back at him. "Yeah, it's me."

"Thank you."

"I haven't done anything."

"You're here. That's enough for me."

When Jerome fell asleep once more after moments of silence, Joy slipped out the room into the hallway for a moment. When Jerome had touched her face as gentle as he did and told her she was enough for him, she couldn't help but remember what they used to have. She wasn't sure whether the tears welling up in her eyes came from a source of pain, hate, love, or all of the above; she just knew it hurt inside and that her whole body grew warm.

She wiped her eyes as they grew too heavy and finally began releasing tears. If Jerome were to wake up again, he couldn't see her this way. She wiped her eyes the best she could and looked into the glass of the room directly across the hallway to see her reflection. Once she was sure she was ready, she went back into Jerome's room.

Eddie, Nina, Patricia, and Fabian went to Nina's place. They didn't have an exact idea on how they'll communicate to any of the gods, they kind of just planned to do it. Fabian and Patricia watched from a distance as Eddie and Nina sat on the couch.

Eddie took a deep breath. "Ok...Osiris, or Isis, or Horus, or Anubis...yeah, just some god, the Chosen One and I, the Osirion, have a question-to ask you. It's about our dreams. We don't know how to interpret them."

There was only silence.

"Hello?" Eddie questioned.

"It's not working," Nina declared.

Just as she finished the statement, her locket on the table before them began to light up. Eddie reached for it and felt a sharp pain as soon as he grabbed it as he had a vision.

He stood in an non-recognizable place since the area was misty and not clearly defined. It could of been a forest. There were figures and silhouettes of what could be trees. He suddenly felt as though something else were there with him, and he was right.

It lurked in the darkness, and because it was hard to make out anything in the vision, Eddie couldn't see it. But he could hear the way it snarled and slithered its way around to different areas, encircling Eddie.

"Osirion," a delicate, yet frightening male voice remarked. His voice echoed everywhere. A humourous tone could be heard in his voice as he did speak. And then he point-out-blank chuckled. "Osirion, what are you doing here all alone? Have your friends really left you to die here?" The creature took a deep breath. "I'd say it serves you right, and it certainly makes it easier to kill you...Oh, Osirion, I can feel how vulnerable you are right now. I feel your rapid heartbeat; I hear your silent plea for help. Poor one can help you."

"Who are you?" Eddie asked, his voice quivering.

"God of darkness; the Serpent of the Nile."

"Eddie!" Nina shook Eddie awake.

He was lying on the ground, the locket still clasped in his hand. Patricia and Fabian were now over there as well to see if he was alright. He sat up and placed the locket on the table.

"Eddie, you passed out on us," Patricia admitted.

"Nevermind that. I think we just found some information we were looking for," Eddie told them.

Joy stayed at the hospital for hours. She remained as Jerome went in and out of an awaken state. When she finally decided to leave, she thought Jerome was asleep, but when she laid her hand on the doorknob, Jerome said:


Joy slowly turned around, clutching her purse strap even though it rested on her shoulder.

"Are you leaving me?" Jerome was looking at her groggily.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning. I promise."

"Good. I like you here."

Joy was silent. She was about to leave as Jerome's eyes closed as to represent him sleeping, but they opened back up and he said, "Joy, I'd like to tell you something."

"Jerome, I really should-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence since Jerome cut her off.

"-Joy, I love you. I'm in love with you, and I haven't stopped loving you."


"-I said it...How do you feel about that?"

Joy choked on her words at first as she struggled on what to say. Then she blurted out, "I have a boyfriend." She swallowed, knowing that was a lie. Yet, she continued. "His name is Erik, and I love him, so..."

She didn't have anything to finish that sentence off with so she remained silent and just left, leaving Jerome to analyze what she just said.

I'm already getting emotional with Joy and Jerome as I'm writing this. I'm really interested for what I have in store for them throughout the story. But anyway, let's jump right in to the discussion questions!

How do you feel about Eddie's version?

How did you feel when you read that Jerome still loves Joy?

What are your thoughts on Joy's compulsive lying?

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