House of Sheds/House of Chests

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Joy left Erik in her room, so that he couldn't risk being lost. She was followed by Alfie, Fabian, and Patricia outside and into the forest. They all had their flashlights except for Joy because she'd dropped it in the lake. They all stuck together as they crept through the infinite darkness. They couldn't have been more grateful to have those flashlights.

They'd gone in a slightly different direction than any of them had been before. As far as they knew, the forest never ended. It seemed to go on forever, but then again, there could always be the end that they weren't looking for.

After some time spent walking, they spotted another clearing in the distance, this one having a shed in it. The four of them hurried towards it, eager for some type of compelling excitement.

As they approached it, they could see it was pretty old with rotting wood and moss growing up the sides.

"Mini House of Horror, huh?" Alfie joked.

Everyone was silent.


"So," Fabian began, "who's first?"

"Just go," Patricia demanded, pushing Fabian forward.

He stopped himself at the shed. The door seemed as though it could fall off at the slightest touch. He slowly gripped the handle and pulled the door open.



"Disgusting! What is that smell?"

Different comments like these were made until they directed their flashlights inside. They saw a dead skeleton leaning against the back of the shed, the bones just beginning to disintegrate into the bare ground below and flies swarming around it.

"No wonder it smelled like death," Joy whispered.

A tape recorder sat right beside the skeleton's fingertips.

"Someone needs to reach through the flies and grab that," Patricia declared.

Everyone looked at Alfie.

"What?!" Alfie exclaimed.

"Just do it for us, Alfie. Please," Joy pleaded.

Alfie took a deep breath and nodded. He crept inside, scrunching his nose. He reached down really quickly and yanked the recorder up. He practically went out of the little shed running.

Amber had removed her heals and left them near the entrance to the room. Jerome also laid down his cane. They planned for Nina and Amber to take the first row on the left, and Eddie and Jerome took the middle row, which was right next to them.

"Ok, Eddie and I will jump first. You two come right after, got it?"

"Aye-aye," Jerome saluted.

"Got it," Amber responded.

Nina nodded towards Eddie, and he did the same. The nearly jumped simultaneously and made their ways to the front end of the rocks as Amber and Jerome jumped onto the closest end to balance the weight as much as they could. They figured faster was better, so Nina and Eddie jumped again right away, and Amber and Jerome repeated their actions.

They made it to the last one, and then finally they were all on the other side of the room. All they had to do was get up the stairs and see what was in the hand. The steps were very narrow, and luckily it had a railing.

"You guys can wait here; I'll just go," Nina vouched.

"Um, ok," Eddie replied.

Nina nodded and made her way up the staircase carefully. She made it to the top platform, right before the hand. In the hand was a chest. Nina reached for it, picking it up and attempting to open it, but then something shocked her and pulsed through her body, causing her to lose her balance and throw the chest up into the air. She fell backwards, out further than the stairs, and Eddie was there to catch her even though he almost fell himself by catching her. By the time she reached him, she was no longer conscious. Eddie yelped in pain when he felt his entire right arm begin to burn as though it had been dipped in fire. He lowered Nina to the ground and examined his entire arm which was now completely covered in hieroglyphics.

Meanwhile, the chest had landed beside Amber, and she squealed when it did. The lid had broken off, releasing the contents. Inside had been two necklaces with some type of black rock, probably obsidian. Also, there was some kind of pocket watch but it wasn't a normal pocket watch. And last but not least, another riddle.

Amber picked up the contents. She looked over where Nina and Eddie were, and Jerome was there observing them.

Fortunately, a platform slid over the path of rocks so that there was a solid path for them to cross back to the beginning of the room.

Eddie carried Nina all the way back where they'd come from, down to the first floor, and to her bed. He laid her down there and decided to stay in the room until she woke up. At least he hadn't been unconscious as well this time. That must mean something good, right?

Eddie went to her mirror. He looked at himself and then at Nina's reflection in the background.

Suddenly, a voice whispered in his head, "Kill her."

"What?" he asked aloud. He turned around quickly and looked directly at Nina.

"She won't feel a thing," the voice whispered some more. "It must be done, Osirion."


"She's caused something horrible, and it's affecting you. Kill her now before the beast inside you does."

Wasn't that an intense chapter?But it's ending here because cliffhangers are the best, right?

So, what do you think that pocket watch and those necklaces could possibly be for?

How do you feel about that voice speaking to Eddie?

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