House of Pocket Watches/House of Last Recordings

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Amber and Jerome came into Nina's room with the necklaces, pocket watch, and riddle. Eddie was standing by the dresser staring at Nina with a scared expression on his face.

"What's happened?" Amber asked.

Eddie shot his head up towards them as if he hadn't realized they'd come in. Maybe he hadn't. "Nothing," he swallowed. "Nothing at all."

"Eddie, have you forgotten what happens when we keep secrets?" Jerome asked as though he were talking to a little boy.

"Haha, very funny Jerry," Eddie commented sarcastically. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just waiting for her to wake up. Is that what was in the chest?"

"Yeah," Amber nodded.

They all sat down on the ground and laid the contents down. Eddie reached to pick something up but his hand was slapped away by Amber's.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Nina went unconscious by touching that chest, so you're not touching any of this," Amber stated matter-of-factly.

They heard moaning and looked over to Nina whose eyes were opening. "I'm up."

She slowly looked over at them and sat down on the ground in between Eddie and Jerome.

"Miss anything?" she questioned.

"We're just getting started actually," Jerome told her.

"So, there's these necklace thingies," Amber held up. "But you're not touching them-I assume you know why."

Nina nodded.

"And this strange pocket watch. Look at it. It's so weird."

The pocket watch itself was a bronze color. The face was black and had one dot at the top where the hour of twelve should be represented. There were two hands of the same length, one silver and one gold, the silver one slightly ahead of the gold one.

"Well, I don't think it tells time..." Eddie figured.

"And now for the riddle." Amber unfolded the paper. She read:

"Obsidian for the darkest goods,
Used by those who possess the power.
The pocket watch, not evil,
Displays the evil of the descendants,
Silver for the son,
Gold for the daughter,
Once a complete revolution has been made,
True evil has bestowed itself."

"Eddie, why is your silver hand on this watch slightly in front of my gold one?" Nina immediately asked.

"Um-uh..." Eddie didn't know what to say.


"It's not my fault. I don't know."

Nina just noticed all the hieroglyphics that covered Eddie's entire right arm. "That might have something to do with it."


"Did it happen when I was unconscious?"

"Uh, kind of. When you touched the chest-"

"-so it's my fault?"

"No, no, I'm not blaming you," Eddie admitted quickly. "You couldn't have known."

"But it was still me," Nina concluded.

They're attention was driven off by the front door opening and footsteps coming inside. Alfie, Joy, Patricia, and Fabian spotted them in Nina's room, and space was made for them to sit down too.

"Woah, you're arm," Patricia emphasized. "What happened, Weasel?"

"Nothing happened," Eddie sighed, not wanting to explain.

"I see you guys have found things," Fabian observed. He had sat down by Nina, but of course they were still taking a break, and Nina acted as though they never had any chemistry.

"And you guys have a tape recorder," Jerome pointed out. "So, we listen to it, Eddie and Nina get a vision from it, and we get deeper into the mystery. It's so much fun every time," he remarked sarcastically.

"Well, no time like the present to get it done," Alfie admitted. He pressed play.

"This shall be the death of me. No longer am I the Osirion. I am free to perish in my own brittleness from the rough war waging within that house. Surely, but quietly, Apophis and I had a feud of excess matters which I could never have possibly assumed I could take into my own hands. I'm but a fragile thing. A small thing compared to a big one, and even as I possess the powers passed down from gods, I am but not a god and only man, and what man can possibly make himself a god? Apophis, I'm afraid to admit, is a god himself, and he's not weak. He's not stupid either, if I'd say so myself, and he lacks the compassion of a mortal to ever consider what consequences he'll bestow upon all those in existence. Obviously, all is power to him, and he'll rest at nothing to get it. I leave this recording as my last in foretelling that yet another will receive these."

"And cue next part, Eddie and Nina," Jerome addressed.

They both reached for the recorder simultaneously.

And what happened? You can't know yet.

Well, this is it. I can't come up with discussion questions because I'm really lazy and tired at the moment(I do apologize) so I leave you with this farewell.


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