House of Dreaming/House of Thrones

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Nina went into Fabian's room shortly after he did and closed the door. She leaned her back against the door, staring at Fabian who was sitting on the bed.

"You know Jerome was right, right?"

Fabian nodded.


"-no need to apologize. It's only what needs to be done whether I like it or not. I guess it's what I signed up for-dating you and all."

Nina fell silent.

"No, no! I didn't mean it in a negative way," Fabian added quickly. "I really, really love you. I'll always love you."

"Good, because I really love you too. And I really hope you're ok."

"Yeah," Fabian smiled. "I'm awesome. I feel great."

"Well, I'll be in my room if you need me." Nina smiled and then left the room.

"You know what I just thought of?" Alfie questioned to Jerome and Amber who stayed in the kitchen with him. "I lost track of how long we've been here."

"I'm sure we all have, Alfredo," Jerome responded.

"Have you guys looked at your phones lately? I realized that the time, calendar-every method of telling time is just frozen. And also you can't contact anyone. I tried calling Willow once and it never gets through."

"Doesn't really surprise me," Jerome said.

"I can't wait until we get out of this place," Amber sighed. "This place never fails to give me the creeps. We just need to destroy Apep and be done."

"Amen to that," Alfie agreed.

In Joy's room, Joy rubbed Erik who relaxed on her lap. Patricia was sitting in there with her.

"It's ok to cry, if you need to," Joy told Patricia.

"Cry? No way. It's about time I had a break from that Weasel." Patricia growled. She began sniffling after a while and dug her face into Joy's shoulder. "I really want him back."

"There, there," Joy breathed. "He'll return, and he'll be ok when he does. You'll get your husband back."

"I better." Patricia sat up. "I really can't lose Eddie."

"I know. And you won't."

Eddie was deep in the forest. He rested for a bit before continuing his long trek as far away as possible, stomping over twigs and staying alert to random noises that constantly occurred.

He rested again, stopping and leaning against a tree. He pulled out an apple from his bag and bit into it. His back slumped against the tree as he sank down to the ground. He knew his plan's purpose was to protect the others, but he had this gut-feeling that none of this would mean anything anyway. As though it was a useless plan.

He didn't know how close he was to being completely evil, but he knew he was easily drawn to aggression and anger. At some moments, the hieroglyphics that covered his arm would glow a golden color. He didn't know what that meant but was sure it wasn't good.

As he fell asleep slowly, his body plopped down sideways into the ground. He surprisingly ended up landing on cold stone. He lifted himself up to see he was in a gloomy courtyard with a leaf-infested fountain in the center. The courtyard was surrounded by thick branches and trees weaved into a fence. Eddie pushed himself up to his feet. The air was thin, and his senses seemed to be delayed by a split second. Also, his senses were a bit dulled. As he turned around, the scenery blurred a bit. Eddie went to the fountain, approaching it slowly, and once he was right there by it, he looked into it.

In the bowl there was a pile of leaves. Eddie shoveled these out with his hands, but when he got to the bottom, the scenery around him changed. He looked up to see he was in a dimly lit circular room, torches lined around on the wall. The floor was black and so were the walls. Ahead of him was a glowing throne with a snake design on either side.

"All the Egyptian empire could be yours if you just give in," a voice whispered in Eddie's head.

Eddie's steps echoed as he slowly approached the throne. He stopped just as he reached it. He felt a hand on his shoulder as a voice pressured him to take the throne.

"I can resist it," Eddie spoke aloud. "I still have the power to, and I will. I won't give in. So many people are counting on me not to, and I can't let them down."

Eddie heard laughing that echoed on the walls. He looked around frantically. No one was in there. No visible being was in there other than him, but he knew Apep's presence was there.

"It's always cute how you still persist to resist."

"And what if I don't?" Eddie asked. "What if I don't resist?" Eddie faced back towards the throne. "What if I just give in and get it over with?"

Apep didn't respond. Eddie laid his hand on the armrest of the throne. He was beginning to think that it all would just be easier not to resist. The only thing holding him back was how it would effect the others. Nina. Patricia...Maybe it was a good thing they kept him from giving in.

Eddie closed his eyes and when they opened, he woke up with a sudden jerk. He lifted himself up from the twigs and dirt of the forest and realized it was all just a dream.

But he knew it was much more.

The end of yet another chapter for you aristocrats!

Should Eddie just give in?

Can he really find a way not to become evil?

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