House of Accusations/House of Untimeliness

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In the morning, Amber stormed into Nina's room, shutting the door behind her. She woke up Nina when she sat on Nina's bed.

"What?" Nina opened her eyes and recognized the braided blonde hair. "Amber, what do you want?"

"It's an emergency!" Amber scream-whispered. "You have to wake up!"

"I'm up, I'm up." Nina sat up.

"I think I like Jerome. Like, like-like him."

"And what you want from me is..."

Amber shook her by the shoulders. "Advise me on what to do!"

"Does he like you?"

"He said he did."

"Then give it a try, and see how it works out."

"Thanks, Neens."

"Anything else?"

Amber sighed. "I won't bother you any longer." She skipped out.

Jerome slithered his way into Alfie's room in the morning. He woke up Alfie by flipping on the light switch.

"Dude," Alfie cried.

"You dated Amber, right?" Jerome asked. "Well, of course you dated Amber," he answered himself. He continued quickly and anxiously, "How do you go about dating Amber?"

"So Jamber is a thing. You treat her right. She's a queen, you know."

"Yeah, yeah-wait. Do you still love her?"

"No, no, I have Willow. I can't love Amber. I just...respect her."

"You don't have to be afraid to admit that you're into two girls."

"I'm not afraid. I'm not into two girls. You wanted advice? Treat Amber with respect and love and care. Be her knight in shining armor-"

"-Queen? Night in shining armor? How many references like these are you going to make?"

"Fine. Love her; respect her. That's all. Goodbye."

"Someone's in a cranky mood," Jerome remarked as he limped backwards.

"Well someone's accusing me of still being in love with someone who I'm not still in love with. Why do you insist that so much? Worry about you and Amber."

"Ok then."

Jerome left Alfie's room.

At that same moment, Amber had come out of Nina's room looking bright and bubbly. She smiled as she saw him there.

"Someone's very happy," Jerome observed.

"Because I have a reason to be happy," Amber responded. She went over to him. "It's you-I have you."

They finally kissed-something they both wanted even if they hadn't realized it. It was pretty passionate, and in that moment, it was all they could desire. Joy opened her door to step outside her room and almost instantly spotted them to the left of her doorway.

A weight in her suddenly dropped and seemed to sink her to the ground. She didn't say anything. They hadn't even realized she was there. Before tears came, she closed her door silently, changing her mind on leaving her room.

Later that day, Nina visited Eddie's room, closing the door. She rolled up her sleeve, revealing three more hieroglyphics that appeared within the time span of the night before and that morning.

"Three more," Nina stated. "And I bet you got them too."

Eddie nodded.

"Maybe it's time to tell them?" Nina suggested more as a command than a question.

"Or maybe not..."

Fabian walked in on them and almost immediately spotted the hieroglyphics on Nina's arm.

Without looking at him, Nina sighed and told Eddie, "This is what happens when we keep secrets."

"Why didn't you tell us hieroglyphics began appearing on your skin?" Fabian asked as all eight of the Sibuna members were gathered in the main foyer.

"It was all my fault," Eddie admitted. "I didn't want to worry you guys."

"So, you're the traitor," Alfie declared, jumping to conclusions.

"Alfie, shut up," Amber told him. "You don't have a right to speak right now."

"Harsh," Alfie muttered.

"How many are there so far?" Jerome questioned.

"Five on each of us; ten in all," Nina responded.

"I guess you're on the list of untrustworthy people with Joy and Alfie," Amber said. "And I got advice from you, Nina."

"Any other secrets someone would like to share?" Jerome asked. "Life-threatening, mystery-related, crucial clues-we're accepting all secrets right now."

"Well," Patricia began, "well, I have a riddle for the next clue."

"You didn't tell me that," Eddie admitted.

"Sorry, I-"

"-Is everyone here keeping secrets?" Alfie exaggerated.

"Alfie, one more chance." Amber held up a finger. "That's all you have."

"When that riddle said there was a traitor, it forgot to make that plural," Fabian breathed, "because five of you have deemed yourselves untrustworthy."

"Don't you get it? Apep's trying to tear us apart and make us look bad-" Eddie tried to explain.

"-but all of you are making yourselves look bad," Fabian interrupted. "You're making your own mistakes. Apep doesn't have to do anything."

"Fabian's right," Nina agreed. "Eddie and I hid an important secret. Patricia hid that riddle. Alfie and Joy snuck out into the forest, endangering their lives."

"Why don't we try and put this behind us, and later I can show you guys the riddle," Patricia suggested.

Everyone agreed, as hesitant as some of them were.

About an hour later, Joy had gone into the kitchen for some water that was sitting in the pitcher. Jerome didn't know she was in there when he entered, but he heard Joy's hesitation when she spotted him.

"Just getting water," he told her.

Joy poured herself some water and kept her hand on the pitcher. She sighed and looked at Jerome.

"Jerome, we need to talk."

"As in talk, is this going to be another argument?"

Joy didn't answer that. Instead she continued, "I know you kissed Amber."

Jerome was silent for a bit before replying, "And?"

"And I don't know what to say about it."

"Then what is there to talk about?"

"What I'm feeling, Jerome. My feelings are too complex to put into words. I-I want to cry, but I want to smile, but I also want to just punch you in the face. Do you feel the same way about me? Would you, if I kissed another guy?"

Jerome took a deep breath. "No, actually I wouldn't. You know you remember that I told you I loved you, and you pushed me away. Well this is me pushing you away, Joy. For the last seven years, you've been on my mind, and it's about time that...that your not."

Joy suddenly acted out of impulse. She used the pitcher to throw water onto Jerome's face which drenched him and his shirt. Joy looked down and left the kitchen with her glass of water.

This is more a Jamber, Jeroy, and Amfie chapter than a mystery chapter. And just to let you guys know, there's more drama along the way.

Do you think Alfie still has feelings for Amber?(there's a difference between thinking he does and hoping he does you Amfie-loving fans)

Do you promote Jamber or Jeroy more?

How do you feel about the drama?

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