House of Sickness/House of Circumstances

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Everyone was still gathered in the foyer. Fabian had the pocket watch, and Nina still had the dagger. Currently, the eight of them were discussing what they needed to figure out.

"Ok, so what we need to know is what this dagger is for," Fabian said.

"I was thinking," Joy began, "we still never found out why Jerome was attacked before. I know it was a long time ago, but maybe it's important."

"You know, all of us are probably tired," Patricia stated. "We should do all this tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and went to bed. When Nina went into her room, she laid the dagger on the dresser beside her bed as she climbed into bed.

In the middle of the night, she woke up, not knowing the reason why. Beside her, the dagger began to glow a bluish color which had to mean something. She reached for it which sent a sharp pain through her entire body, especially her arm as she was sent spiraling into a vision.

It was a hazy vision in which she heard whispers of, 'Cleopatra', 'royalty', 'lineage'. The dagger was lying down on a table, and was picked up by some hand. Eventually, she saw the entire body and face of who the hand belonged to and it was Jerome. It flashed back and forth between him and Cleopatra, who Nina somehow knew was Cleopatra. She snapped out of her vision as she woke up on the floor, dropping the dagger out of her hand.

She realized why Jerome was targeted.

He was a descendant of Cleopatra.

Nina scrambled up, grabbing the dagger, and hurrying into Jerome's room, turning on the light.

"What the-" Jerome began, rubbing his eyes. "That hurts."

"Jerome, Jerome!" Nina yell-whispered as she sat on Jerome's bed. "I know why you were attacked. It's probably why you were possessed before too. You are a descendant of Cleopatra." Nina explained this, ramming all her sentences together.

Jerome sank it all in. "I'm from a lineage of royalty..."

"Also, Cleopatra believed she was a god, and because of all the things possible, she could've been right, maybe."

"So, I could have royal, Egyptian god blood coursing through my veins?"

Nina nodded. "And this yours."

Jerome slowly grabbed the dagger from Nina's hands, and with his touch, it lit up. The glow died down after a moment, but just by touching it, Jerome knew for sure that it was his to hold and keep.

"What does this mean for me?" Jerome asked.

"It means you're not safe," Nina responded. "You were possessed once by Set as well as attacked and injured by Apep, and it was for this reason. Set saw you as a strong source, and Apep either wanted to kill you or handicap you. What I know for sure is that that's your dagger, and you have to know what to do with it."

"But you're the Chosen One. Do I really hold this responsibility?"

"Well, I know it's not me."

Jerome swallowed. He placed the dagger right next to his bed. He and Nina finished up their conversation and Nina returned back to her room.


A few days after Eddie's evilness staying stable t the tenth hour of the pocket watch, and Jerome's whole situation being explained, Sibuna actually felt as though they were in control of something at this time. They knew that at some point, they may have to fight Eddie, and of course they still had to defeat Apep himself. Lately, they hadn't found any tape recorders from the old Osirion, nor any riddles to go by, suggesting they didn't have any more to find.

Eddie was standing alone outside when Patricia came out and joined him.

"What's up, Weasel?"

"I feel really sick. Feverish, sort of."

"Then get some rest."

"I'm not tired."

Patricia responded aggressively, "But you're sick."

"I didn't say I was sick; I just said I feel sick."

"Fine. Suffer at your own expense...Oh, I can't do this. I can't just keep being mean to you while you're like this."

"Trust me, it's fine," Eddie sniffled. "I need something normal in my life anyway."

Fabian popped outside. "Nina's really ill."

Patricia and Eddie went inside to Nina's room where she lay in bed, breathing out of her mouth and keeping her eyes half-open.

"Talk about you being sick," Patricia told Eddie. "Look at Nina. She can barely open her eyes."

"Everything I suffer from, I cause Nina to suffer even more greatly," Eddie thought aloud. "Awesome," he expressed sarcastically.

"I touched the box, causing all this, so I deserve it," Nina breathed. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

"You should take your own advice. Don't be so hard on yourself," Eddie responded back.

Eddie was forced to go lay down in his room like Nina was doing in hers. Fabian stayed by Nina's side while Patricia left the room with Eddie.

Alfie had gone into Jerome's room where Jerome was sitting on his bed, holding the dagger.

"How does it feel to be royalty, man?" Alfie asked, sitting on the bed as well.

"I really don't know," Jerome replied.

"So, if you go to Egypt now, will they like, make you their Pharaoh or something?"

"You do know Egypt is modern now, right? They have a president, not a Pharaoh."

"Right, I totally knew that. So, just to make sure we're on the same page., the pyramids-"

"-Pyramids are not used in the same way, Alfie."


Jerome held the dagger up, continuously observing it by rotating it. He held it up to Alfie's face. "What is this dagger for, Alfredo?" Jerome asked.

"I might be able to answer when it's not so near-well, me," Alfie answered.

Jerome lowered it.

"Ok," Alfie sighed. "My theory, is that it's just a symbol of you being a descendant of Cleopatra. It's not like you'll have to kill someone. You-you don't think you'll have to kill someone, do you?"

Jerome didn't reply.

Alfie knew the answer. "B-but you never would, right?"

"It always depends on the circumstance-"

"-but you can't. You can't be a murderer."

"Just imagine if it were Amber or you or anyone in this house in danger-matter of fact, imagine if you had the dagger and Willow was in danger. What would you do?"

Alfie didn't answer the question. He left Jerome alone in his room, knowing the answer.

Another day and another chapter. Here you readers go! Yet another upload. Things get very intense in the near future.

Jerome can't kill anyone, right?

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