House of Trap Doors/House of Files

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"Spider," Nina squeaked.

"Giant spider," Eddie corrected.

There was yet a giant spider facing them, all of its beady yellow eyes glaring at them. Its eight legs had large bristles of hair on them. It's mouth was outrageously repelling and terrifying.

"Honestly, whoever built this place is a psycho-maniac," Eddie claimed.

The spider lunged for them, and they ducked and dived out of the way. Now, they couldn't get back to where they had They began running for their lives through the long and wide room, hoping there'd be a door to save them on the other end. But as they had the wall in sight, they realized there wasn't a door.

Nina and Eddie whirled back around, seeing the spider make its way towards them. Nina noticed something glint around the spider's neck off her flashlight light-something she hadn't noticed before.

"Nina! There!"

Eddie pointed out a trapdoor he spotted on the ground and had already dived down to unlatch it. The spider gradually made its way towards them.

"Eddie, hurry!" Nina yelled.

"I'm trying!" Eddie finally got it. "Go!"

He hurried Nina down inside and then dropped down himself, closing the door. They both made a deep sigh. They both looked at the room they were in. The ceiling was just above their heads and a corridor stretched ahead.

"Secret passage," Nina smiled.

"After you," Eddie held out his hand in the direction of the corridor.

Alfie whispered into Fabian's ear, "Casually look behind you and tell me you don't see what I'm seeing."

Fabian glimpsed back. He then looked back at Alfie. "What?"

"Jamber? It's Jamber."

"Excuse me?" Fabian whispered back.

"Jerome and Amber. They're just giggling and smiling and staying so close back there. I never saw this relationship coming."

"N-no. They can't be dating."

"If not then they will be." Alfie sped up ahead of him.

That made Fabian think. He glanced back once more and realized Alfie was right. Jerome and Amber were getting pretty close. Jerome aloud Amber to hold onto him freely, and they didn't stop whispering to eachother. He shook off the thought. Since when had he been interested in relationship pairings? Though, he couldn't deny the fact that Jerome and Amber just didn't seem right. Then again...

Fabian bumped into Joy who'd suddenly stopped.

"Fabian," Joy whisper-yelled. "I thought I heard something."


"A voice."

There was a door a few feet in front of them. The others were a bit cautious to approach it, so Patricia went ahead of them all to prove that it'd be fine. She swung the door open, and the first thing she saw was words painted on the wall with a red substance:

Say goodbye.

She and the others crowded into the room, all of them reading those two words there. Inside the room, the floor was checkered and had quite a bit of dust. There was a bed with old cloth on top of it, and the walls were torn as though slashed with claws.

There was a desk opposite the bed with a folder of confidential files. And beside it, yet another tape recorder. Fabian picked up the folder and glimpsed inside, skimming over the information inside.

"This has info about the Paragon and Osirion," Fabian told them.

"Paragon?" Alfie questioned.

"Another name for the Chosen One," Joy informed.

"Even I knew that," Amber bragged. Jerome smiled.

"Let's get back downstairs," Fabian instructed. "Nina and Eddie need to read this."

He hurried out, the others following him. Patricia was the one to grab the tape recorder.

The walls of the corridor Eddie and Nina traveled through were a golden bronze color. Inexplicably, they didn't need their flashlights there since there was enough light already.

"This is the best place I've had yet to be in within this house," Eddie laughed.

"You and me both." Nina remember what she saw around the neck of the giant spider. "Dd you see that key around the spider's neck?"


"Yeah. Probably an important one at that."

They came to the end of the corridor where on one side of the ending wall there was an engraving for Nina's locket, and on the other side, there was a key hole.

"Speak of the devil," Eddie muttered.

Nina spotted a square door on the wall by their feet. She knelt down and slid the door upward. She used her flashlight to see where it led. It looked like some kind of chute.

"Up for it?" She looked up at Eddie.

"I'll go first. Come right behind me," Eddie told her.

Nina backed up and Eddie pushed himself through, feet first. Nina did the same seconds after.

Eddie landed on his stomach. He realized he was on the kitchen floor, but before he could get up, he let out a yelp of pain. Part of Nina had landed on top of him.


Nina scrambled up, and helped Eddie into a chair at the table. The rest of the gang were just making it downstairs and ran into the kitchen after hearing Eddie's cry. They came in to see Eddie sitting down, his elbows on the table, and his face in his hands as he braved through the pain.

"What happened?" Patricia asked, going over to him.

Eddie just pointed towards the chute they just fell through and then pointed at Nina.

"I-sort of-landed on him. Partially," Nina explained.

Everyone gathered around the table. Fabian and Patricia put the folder and tape recorder on the table. Eddie didn't look up yet.

"Now," Jerome began, "Which group shall explain their lovely adventure first?"

Here's another chapter today! I return to school tomorrow, so I don't think if I'll be uploading as fast as I've been over the break, but I surely will be uploading! For now, discussion questions!

Will they ever get the key from the spider?

What could possibly be in those files?

Do you think Nina and Eddie should grab the tape recorder for another vision?

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