House of Apophis/House of Fire

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Days, possibly weeks, may have passed by. Eddie and Nina weren't as sick, and nothing strange or evil had been happening. That was until Fabian suddenly noticed how on the pocket watch, Eddie's pointer had made it to the eleventh hour. He made everyone aware, especially Eddie. Sibuna was determined to find a way to help Eddie, but with nothing much to go from, they didn't know where to start.

In the middle of the night, Erik began to bark loudly, not only waking up Joy in the same room, but also most of the others. Joy saw him at the closed door, pawing to get out. She rushed over to him, trying to get him to calm down. Eventually she just opened the door for him. Fabian, Nina, Patricia, and Jerome came out their rooms, seeing Erik run up the stairs.

The four of them, along with Joy, raced after him, seeing where he would go. He had gone up to the second floor, hurried down the hall, and waited by the door for them to open it. Joy did so, and he ran towards the next door on the other side of that room.

"He's going to the music room," Nina stated. "Why?"

Joy opened that door for Erik as well. The five continued in after him but stopped dead in their tracks once they saw what, or who, was at the other end of the room. It was most definitely Apep, and everyone could visibly see him. As Erik approached Apep, he transformed into an orb of light which disappeared into the palm of Apep's hand.

There were many things the five of them there wanted to say, but they didn't dare speak in the presence of Apep. Suddenly, Nina stepped forward to acknowledge Apep.

"Apep," she swallowed, her voice coming out shakier than she expected, "are you having fun by tormenting us?"

Apep didn't respond.

Nina continued. "Because you don't know who you're messing with. If you were unaware, we've defeated the Egyptian god, Set."

All Apep did was raise his hand, and immediately, Nina was standing in the midst of fire. She also realized she was back in her own apartment which seemed like ages since she'd been there. Embers danced up into the air. The others disappeared from her sight, yet Apep was still the same distance from her.

"This will be your world. This will be your life," a voice spoke in her head.

Nina screamed and woke up in her bed screaming. She was engulfed in darkness. She realized that resting right under her hand was a flashlight, but she never remembered falling asleep with it. She flipped it on realizing she woke up back in her bed at her apartment. It all seemed real. It all felt real. But she knew she had to be dreaming. She saw her phone on her bedside table. She grabbed it and went straight to her contacts where she didn't know exactly what she was planning-maybe she planned on calling Fabian or someone. Yet, when she got to her contacts, the entire list kept repeating:

'Meet your end'.

That clarified that it had to be a dream or a hallucination. The words didn't even phase her. Apep may have plannedon her being scared, but she was nowhere near it. She got out of her bed and headed towards the door. As soon as she opened it, she realized she was back in the music room. Apep disappeared in a typhoon of smoke, and the others comforted her.

"Nina? Nina are you ok?" Fabian asked.


"You just blanked out on us," Patricia admitted. "You went into some sort of state where you kept staring straight at Apep. What happened? What did he do to you?"

Nina shook her head to completely snap herself back into reality. "It's not important. All that matters is that we're not going to fail at this."

"Well there is another thing that matters," Jerome said. "Like how that dog was Apep's the whole time. Apep was just getting information from us."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Nina told him. "It's over. It's done. Now, we have to focus on just saving the world because that's our only option right now."

"But I was growing attached to Erik," Joy muttered.

The next day, rain began pouring down. It was the first time it ever rained since they'd be there, however long they'd been there. Fabian woke up to the sound of the rain which grew heavier and heavier. As he woke up, he checked the pocket watch which had sat on his pillow the entire night. Nina's hand was still unchanged. At first, Fabian didn't see the hand for Eddie, but then he realized his was right behind Nina's.

Edie's hand had made a full revolution.

He was completely evil.

Edie's completely evil now! What'll happen next, you may be wondering. You'll have to wait for the next chapter to figure out.

Do you think they'll be able to defeat Eddie, let alone even fight him?

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