House of Voices/House of Evil

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When Eddie and Nina grabbed the recorder, they expected something to happen. But nothing did.

"Well that was anticlimactic," Alfie pouted.

"No vision this time," Nina sighed. "I don't know if that's good or bad."

The eight of them suddenly heard creaking outside the room as though someone were slowly stepping on the floorboards. They all directed their attention out towards the doorway, but the creaking stopped.

Joy bravely rose up and tiptoed her way to the door.

She looked out in the hallway and stepped out to see no one.

"There's no one here," she told them. She went back inside the room.

"Maybe it's time we get some rest," Fabian said, changing the subject from the whole mystery and tension. "I'll keep these in my room, and we'll resume in the morning?"

Everyone agreed and went to their respective rooms. Joy allowed Erik to stay in her room overnight just so he'd have company and warmth inside.

In the middle of the night, Eddie woke up to get a snack from the kitchen. He got out of bed and exited his room, walking through the hallway towards the kitchen. When he was passing Nina's room, a voice stopped him.

"It'd be so much easier to kill her now."

Eddie turned towards her room and slowly opened the door to see her completely knocked out.

"It only takes a little Osirion magic, and poof, it's done. She doesn't have to feel a thing."

Eddie inched his way inside her room.

"That's it. Don't resist the temptation."

"I don't want to kill her," Eddie whispered. "I'm not killing her."

"Foolish boy. Your 'good' is running dry. Sooner than later, you won't be able to resist the temptation."

Eddie turned back around to leave Nina's room in hope that the voice would stop, but when he touched the doorknob, he was tossed into a vision.

The vision was in third person. He seemed not to be a physical body but rather a floating observer. He was outside, facing the house. He navigated towards the door, and it opened for him once he approached it.

Inside, he saw himself and all the others but something wasn't right. Everyone else seemed to cower in fear from him. Actually, Nina was sprawled on the ground unconscious, but he knew she was still alive by her shallow breathing. The Eddie he was observing faced the other six with a glowing orb in his hand, ready to fire.

He tried to scream out against it, but realized as a nonexistent life form, he didn't have a voice. Yet still, the Eddie in the vision faced him exactly as though he knew he were there. The orb came hurling towards him.

He snapped out of his vision. He was partially in the hallway, his feet in Nina's room. Nina was kneeling over him and the others had come out of their rooms to see what was going on. Eddie stared upward, petrified.

"Eddie, what happened?" Nina asked.

"Yeah, you kept screaming 'no!' 'don't do it!' 'Nina get up!'" Alfie explained with gestures to accompany it.

"Was I?" Eddie asked, still staring up.

Nina nodded.

"I'll explain in the morning."

When Eddie had woken up officially in the morning, he made his way to the kitchen only to find everyone there waiting for him.

"Ready to explain?" Patricia questioned.

Eddie explained the vision, but instead of making it him who was terrorizing them, he changed the story by saying it was Apep and that he and Nina were unconscious on the ground.

"What did Apep look like?" Jerome asked.


Eddie heard a voice in his head say, "Huge, cloaked..."

He repeated, "Huge and cloaked..."

"His figure was that of a slim man..."

"He had a slim figure..."

"But his face was hidden by the cloak..."

"I couldn't see his face though..."

"And his hands were black as obsidian with glowing hieroglyphics on them."

"And his hands were completely black except for glowing hieroglyphics that were on them. That's all I could really tell about him."

"So, not the serpent version," Fabian muttered to himself. He said aloud, "As far as we know, he has two physical forms he can take on."

Their thought processing and subtle moment was disturbed by a dog's sudden barking.

"Erik," Joy breathed.

She, followed by the others, hurried to her room.

As she opened the door, Jerome asked, "Wait, you named the dog 'Erik'?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?" Joy retaliated.

Jerome hesitated. "No, no, not at all."

Inside her room, they instantly noticed the problem.

And it ends here. This chapter that is, not the story. Like I'd ever do that to you guys? Or would I...


Eddie can't turn evil, right?

How'd you feel about the vision? Could that possibly happen?

Should Eddie have lied to them?

What could've possibly happened in Joy's room?

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