House of Defeat/House of Victory

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Jerome grabbed his dagger and made his way back out his room. He made his way towards Eddie and Nina with it in his hand, still following his instinct. It was almost as though they were controlling him, and not him himself.

In the midst of everything-all the chaos and the quaking and the tension of the environment, Jerome ended it all. He used the dagger to stab Eddie in the back and the dagger absorbed some substance which made its way to the little chamber located within the dagger's handle. It wasn't blood, but Jerome could see actual blood as it flooded Eddie's shirt. He almost fainted, but realized he still had another thing to do.

He cut the obsidian necklace from around Nina's neck. After that, Jerome dropped the dagger. Eddie was down on the ground, blood draining from his back, Nina had passed out, and shortly after, Jerome did too.

Patricia went running straight for Eddie. She knelt down by him, crying, even though she was in front of everyone else. Once Jerome woke up, she would kill him.

"It's what he had to do," Joy told her, reading Patricia's thoughts. Joy picked up the dagger. "You see this stuff in here! It's probably all the evil mess that was controlling Eddie."

"Still," Patricia wept. "He had to stab Eddie, and now he's on the floor, if not already dead, then he's dying."

In fact, Eddie was beginning to die. But it wasn't destined just yet. He ended up back in the Osirion den, this time in the presence of Osiris himself.

Osiris stood before Eddie, his crown high on his head.

"I'm dying, aren't I?" Eddie asked him.

Osiris nodded. "You are. But...I'm not ready to have you die just yet."

"Wait, why not?"

"You shouldn't die over something such as your friend trying to save you. Jerome, is it? Thank him next time you see him. Without him, you could be wiping out the world right now."

"It was Jerome?"

"It was, and your Paragon was very strong to handle that necklace. All of you are strong fighters. I'd never have believed mortals, such as your friends, could be so powerful before you all had ever become Sibuna."

"How much do you know about us?"

"Quite a lot. Everything, some might say. But now, I think it's time you wake up. You have a wife currently distraught over you."

Eddie faded out from Osiris' den and back into reality. His blood had somehow gone back into his body and the would had closed up. He sat up and saw Patricia still crying beside him, not yet seeing he was awake.

"Patricia?" Eddie stated.

Patricia looked up. She immediately slapped him. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Do you want me dead?"

"No, you idiot," Patricia sniffled. "I don't want you dead." Patricia gave Eddie a kiss on the lips.

Eddie felt both mentally and physically drained. He saw Jerome and Nina still passed out on the ground.

"Have we actually done it?" Amber suddenly asked.

"Nobody get too excited," Eddie said. "There's still one thing we have to do."

"And that is?" Joy questioned.

"Defeat Apep. He's most likely weakened by now, but not defeated, I can tell you that."

"Oh, come on!" Alfie exclaimed. "We just had to fight you, being all evil and crap! But there's still that evil spirit out there who isn't yet defeated?! I have a pregnant wife back home! Little Wilfie needs a father to return home to him! I am not about to get held up by some dumb ghost who doesn't know when to stop!"

"And the tantrum has begun," Fabian muttered.

"I'm going to yell outside," Alfie excused himself.

Nina began waking up and lifted herself up into a sitting position.

"Ready to go kick some Apep-butt?" Eddie immediately asked.

Nina realized they still had to officially defeat Apep. "Let's."

They both stood up. They called out Apep's name until Apep showed up, appearing by a swirl of smoke. He seemed to be weakened. Since he was partially defeated when Eddie was saved, his life had been greatly depleted.

"Oh Apep, send my best regards to Osiris," Nina smiled before her and Eddie took him out.

All it required was a conjoined beam of light by them both and he was officially defeated and cast into the Land of the Dead. It was all officially over.

The obsidian necklaces could be disregarded now.

Those sarcophagi on the third floor would be of no use.

The House of Horror could officially be placed in the past.

And the eight of them could go back home.

They brought Alfie back inside, and Jerome had woken up from his unconscious state. The gold bars they kept from the beginning since they got there were brought out and connected. They didn't even have to read the phrase out loud; the portal just opened up. They all gathered up their stuff, meeting back in the foyer with their suitcases.

"I think I might actually miss this place," Joy claimed.

"I won't." Alfie stepped through the portal first.

"See you guys on the other side," Jerome sighed, stepping through.

Amber went next, then Joy, then Patricia, and then Fabian. Nina and Eddie were the last two left.

"This'll be a story to tell our kids one day," Eddie smiled. "I mean, not our kids, but-"

"-I know what you meant. We'll have a lot of stories, trust me. Too many actually."

"Well, I guess we should be stepping through the portal now."

Nina stepped through before him, and Eddie followed right after. The portal closed hind them and all eight of them were back at Eddie's place.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to be home," Eddie sighed.

Alfie brought out his phone. All the missed calls and texts that overloaded his phone had shown up. He also saw the date of which it was.

"Sh-" he almost cursed. "We were there for nine months. We were in the House of Horror for nine months."

"Is little Wilfie born yet?" Joy asked.

"His due date is tomorrow. Willow's currently in the hospital."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Amber questioned. "Get down there! We'll be coming shortly of course."

"Right." Alfie sped out of Eddie's house.

He left his suitcase. It was fine though. He could just get it and take it to his place later, but right now, he had very important business to attend to.

They've completed the whole mystery and have defeated Apep! That deserves some applause!

But the story is not over yet! There's still more to come ahead, especially that Fabina stuff like I promised.


Can you believe they were there for nine months?

What might be the important thing that happens between Fabian and Nina?

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