House of Danger/House of the Serpent

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Nina explained what happened to her and Eddie first.

"The key is around the spider's neck?" Jerome repeated from what Nina explained about the spider and the key hole in that secret passage. "Does anyone here have any experience with spider-slaying?"

"It doesn't warm my heart to know we're living with a spider and hundreds of snakes," Alfie swallowed.

"I bet it warms Patricia's," Jerome joked. Patricia glared at him. Jerome lost his grin.

"Then we found the chute in that same passageway which dropped us in here, where I um-" Nina glanced at Eddie whose head was still down.

"Ok..." Amber intruded. "Our turn!"

Fabian explained it for them, some of the others adding details. He said the part about the sarcophagi really quickly, hoping it wouldn't draw too much interest.

After he was done explaining everything, Nina exclaimed, "Sarcophagi?!"

When Fabian had mentioned the sarcophagi in his story, even Eddie had risen his head to look at him. And his reaction on the inside was exactly the same as Nina's outburst.

"Apep wants us dead, doesn't he?!" Nina continued.

"We don't know that-" Fabian tried to say.

"You know, we kinda do," Alfie shrugged.

"Alfie," Joy glared at him.


"Just, tell us what the files say," Patricia instructed, changing from the topic of the sarcophagi.

Fabian nodded and opened the folder. It contained information about the Chosen One and Osirion; some information that they might not know.

"Ok, Chosen One is a descendant of Amneris, and the Osirion protects her," Fabian read off. "We know that. Um, the Chosen One is also able to stand in as a protector of the Osirion, and they share the same powers...They can replace eachother in times of need...The Chosen One and Osirion have a strong connection which goes stronger in times of danger. There may even be times when they feel the exact same emotion."

"That sounds freaky," Alfie claimed.

"Go on," Nina rushed, eager to hear more.

Fabian continued. "There may also be times when they share the same dreams, thoughts, and one can see exactly what the other does."

"Even freakier," Alfie shivered.

"If their souls are ever captured by an evil spirit, that spirit has the ability to become the strongest its ever been."

"That's probably why Apep wants us dead," Nina pieced together. "To grow stronger."

"And one final thing here," Fabian pointed. "Apep is nearly impossible to defeat. Even the Paragon and Osirion have a slim chance of ever defeating him for good."

Everyone went silent.

"Time to listen to the tape recorder then?" Alfie suggested, breaking the silence.

"Best thing you've said all day, Alfie," Joy responded, starting the tape.

"How long have I been here? Oh, I stopped counting after a month. I stopped caring when my family disappeared. Now, I'm left alone, and I am sure it was Apophis(another name for Apep), who has taken them. Who has probably killed them. I would give up, but I cannot. I have to hold out because I am the Osirion. The Chosen One, the world, and future generations need me. When I realized my family was probably never coming back, I cut their faces out of the pictures hung up in that room. How those pictures got there in the first place still remains a mystery to me, but they're there, and I just accept that. My grandfather would cut faces out of pictures of the deceased. He died before telling me why, so I just did so without any proper reasoning. I also cut my face out since I know I'll probably die here. Not anytime soon; just until I know I'm no longer the Osirion; then I'll give up to Apophis. Then, I will die, and he still will not have won."

"How many more of these things are there?" Jerome moaned. "Because these aren't the most enthusiastic recordings in the world."

"I have a feeling there're many more," Fabian told him.

"I think it's time for another vision," Nina breathed. "Eddie, you stay here and rest there. I can go in myself."

Eddie gave her a thumbs-up.

Before Nina grabbed the recorder, Fabian grabbed her wrist.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he said.

"I didn't get hurt last time. I'll be fine."

"You don't know that."

"Then let's hope."

Nina grabbed the tape recorder and was sent spiraling into yet another vision, back in the past. She was back in the room where she observed the past Osirion cut out the faces of the portraits and place them in a box. He had two fingers over the box, and he uttered something incomprehensible under his breath. That moment was very brief as the scenery changed to being outside once again.

She saw the Osirion at the edge of the clearing, hesitating for a moment. He looked around him as though he felt something's presence amongst him. Nina looked to her left where a reptilian tail slithered into the dark woods. She looked back at the Osirion just as he entered the same woods from another point.

She had to make a decision on who to follow. She chose to follow the tail.

It was dark, but she could hear the slithering and hissing of the assumed snake. Moonlight broke through the trees up ahead, shining over murky water. The snake stopped at the edge of the water, still out of the moonlight so Nina couldn't see its features. Nina inched towards it even though she was in a vision. She would try to get as close to it as possible.

Her eyes adjusted to the dark, and she began to outline this massive figure, definitely shaped like a serpent. Nina was close enough to touch its reptilian skin. She began to reach out...

'Save her. Your Paragon is in danger.'

Eddie heard this spoken to him. He suddenly jumped up, ignoring his pain. Everyone else just stared at him. He began to shake Nina whose head was laying on the table. She was still deep in the vision.

"Fabian, remove the tape recorder from her hand!" Eddie exclaimed as he continued to shake Nina frantically.

Fabian did so, but nothing happened. Nina was still in the vision.

"Nina!" Eddie yelled. "She's in danger," he told the others. "She's in-"

Eddie couldn't finish his sentence. He passed out and collapsed onto the ground.

Ooh, left you with a cliffhanger there! You have to wait till the next chapter to find out what happens next! I know, I'm so evil. know what time it is.

What're your thoughts on the information Fabian read off from the files?

What could've happened to Nina and Eddie?!

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