House of New Passages/House of Boulders

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The next day, everyone agreed to get back on the actual mystery.

"Maybe it's time Eddie and I go to the third floor," Nina suggested.

"But the sarcophagi-" Alfie began.

"-won't hurt us," Nina finished.

"Are you proposing to go alone or with the rest of us?" Jerome questioned. He seemed to be getting much better with his leg. He was almost to the point where he didn't need to cane. Not quite there, but almost.

"At most, half of us," Nina explained. "The other half can get something else done."

"I'll join you guys then," Jerome declared.

"As shall I," Amber jumped aboard.

Joy muttered something under her breath.

"Awesome," Eddie smiled, "let's go."

Once they were up on the third floor, they came to the round room with the sarcophagi. Nina kept her breathing steady as she crept forward, slightly in from of the others.

"Nina, stop panicking," Eddie breathed.

"I'm not panicking."

"Yes, you are. I know you are. I can feel it."

"That sounds really weird," Jerome claimed.

"Trust me, it is," Eddie responded truthfully.

Jerome and Amber led them to the passage which was to slide open and reveal itself. But to their surprise, that one did not open but rather one to their left-yet another consumed in darkness.

"That's new," Amber admitted.

They crept through the new secret passageway. Nina found a light and flipped the switch to see things more clearly. Everyone turned off their flashlights and stared in awe.

The entire room was a massive booby trap. The ground dipped in to make the pit, taking up most of the room's entirety, and spikes sat at the bottom. Above the pit were massive boulders with flat tops, balanced on a much thinner base. There were three columns of these, each with three boulders in their row leading to the other side of the room. On the other side of the room, the four of them could see stairs leading up to a giant hand of an Egyptian statue embedded in the wall but couldn't see exactly what was in that hand.

"Put too much weight on one side and-" Eddie made a fart noise, "-dead."

Nina proposed, "We need to cross in pairs to counter-balance eachother's weight, but Jerome-"

"-can do it," Jerome finished. "My leg isn't absolutely frail."

"Ok," Amber sighed. "So, what're we waiting for?"

Fabian, Patricia, Joy, and Alfie needed to figure out something to do.

"Ooh, ooh, the vault through the snake room under where the spider was," Alfie suggested.

"We'd need Nina's locket," Fabian explained.

"What about the woods?" Joy butted-in. "Considering there's four of us, two of which have been out there, it should be fine."

"I'm in," Alfie jumped aboard.

"Fine," Patricia said.

Everyone waited for Fabian's approval. "Ok."

Kind of short chapter, but I haven't had much time to work on this. So, pretty short chapter, but hope you enjoyed!

Do you think Nina, Amber, Jerome, and Eddie can make it across?

What might greet them in the forest this time?

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