Chapter 20

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I didn't think it would happen...I don't think anybody ever sees it coming.

But I wish, I could have known...

Alexander looked at me,"You need to calm down"

I stood up straight,"How?!you did this to me against my will!"

She flashed her fangs at me..something in me just shut up. I have to listen to her ALL the time

"I did this,so you could have a better chance of fighting this sickness off.I...I'm not a monster.."

I held her face,"I know that"

She smiled and stepped back.

"I..have a personality you can tell"

I nodded.

"It's okay..go to Emilia"she whispered.

I pulled my clothes on and ran to down to the basement.

I ripped the lock away and ran in,Emilia hissed and then her fangs snapped up.Her eyes faded to their normal colour.

She smiled I ran to her and smacked into her.


My body hummed...

I kissed her softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"You need to control it...I can feel it.."

I looked at her,"I don't know how"

She smiled,"I will teach you"

Arena walked in,"Emilia"

Emilia looked up at her,"Hello mother"

"Hello my angel"

Emilia hugged me close.

"Alexander's blood line is a bit to much so quickly"Arena said.

Emilia nodded.

I frowned.

"You're ill,and Alexander's blood line is the most powerful..and it's trying to cure you..but you would normally have time to get used to it"Emilia whispered.

I nodded.

Emilia kissed me softly.

"It's lovely to meet you..again"

"You too"

She smiled and walked to us..."They are moving against her again"

Emilia looked up at that.

"Then we have to act fast,we have to talk to Alexander"


Alexander was standing by the door,"They are rallying against you again my queen"Arena said looking at her.

"And you think I should be afraid of their little rebellion?"

Arena bowed her head slightly,"No my queen,but they are looking for hurt you"

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