Chapter 19

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I looked at this woman, sitting across from me ,she sighed and looked at Alexander as ,she walked in.

" are the one who's stolen Emelias heart?"

I looked down.

"A beautiful as you are"

Alexander walked in and waited, she watched me. I looked at her and sighed.

I looked at the woman, "I..I love her so much"

Alexander moved forward ,the woman stopped.

"She's gone've done this to her, to my daughter and you here you sit,not caring!"

"I do care okay!?I fucking love her!I can't be with her now, because I'm sick!Because...Alexander said she would kill her,I love her to much...I can't let her get hurt"

The woman looked at Alexander,"You may be well respected Asena as well as your daughter, but she will not angel here"

Asena stood up,"So you would let my daughter die!she wants to see her!give her that much,you owe her that after all these years of service and loyalty!"

Alexander looked at me.

I looked at Asena,"How would you feel knowing, that your daughter is planning to marry her?"

Asena looked at me and then back to Alexander.

"Alexander please...just let me see her"

Alexander looked at me,"So you can become more ill?so you can...leave me?"

I stood up,"Listen to me...I love her,I need to see treated me like crap,not the other way around and now you don't want me to be happy?"

Alexander looked at Elizabeth as she walked in, with my daughters...I took a step back.

"Yes,you have a family with us,not her"

Sally and Olivia looked at me and then away.

"What family?"I snapped.

Alexander back handed me,I fell on the couch and spat up blood.

Asena touched my shoulder.

"My queen...please"she said and looked up at Alexander.

Elizabeth looked at me,she looked at her mother and sighed.

"Just let her see her"

"No!she is mine!"

Alexander's eyes went a muddy red,her fangs snapped down.

I stood up,"No I'm not...not anymore"

Elizabeth took the girls out,Asena stayed.

Alexander grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards her.

"Take that back..and I won't hurt you"

"I won't,get over it"

She threw me into a wall...I smacked it hard feeling a snap in my arm,my forehead bled.

I breathed deeply and stood up.

"Alexander get over it!"I shouted.

She flashed around to me and pinned me to the wall,her hand wrapped around my neck with bruising force.

" are mine,I am not losing you to that woman"

I slapped her,she stared at me stunned.

"Kill me then!because I won't ever love you like that again!"

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