Chapter 18

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I walked to Alexanders bedroom ,I knocked.

We were staying in Ophelia's  house...until..well, shit I dont know.

"Come in"

I opened the door and closed it behind me.I looked up, Alexander was standing by her bed in a robe.

"I..I brought you something to drink"

I walked to her ,she nodded and turned to me completely, her robe was open.

I looked at her face, she took the glass and drank.

She stopped and looked down at me.

"This is your blood"

She stroked my cheek softly,I nodded.

"I wanted to say thank you, for helping me"

She smiled put the glass down and held my face in her hands.

"You never need to thank me"she whispered.

I smiled and looked down...oh shit..she's not wearing underwear...

I looked up quickly, Alexander frowned and hugged me.

She pulled away and stopped.

"I dont have anything under this, I apologise"she said looking embarrassed.

"Its okay I'll go"

I turned and walked, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to her.

"Where did you cut yourself?"she whispered.

 She sat me down on her bed.

"My stomach..I...I didnt want anyone to see"

She pulled my gown up and licked the cut, then all the blood around it.

"Lets bath"she said.

I shook my head.

"I..I cant"I said walking to the door.

"You can...please I miss you"

I turned to her ,she smiled and held out her hand.

I bit my lip..I walked to her,her room had a bathroom attatched..lucky...

I followed her,the bath was steaming.I smiled Alexander removed her robe and got in .I took my clothes off and climbed in facing her, she rested against the bath and closed her eyes.

I looked at her face ,she looked tired.

I crawled on top of her ,she didnt open her eyes at first ,when she did she looked at me confused.

I sat over her shaft ,she moaned and held my waist.

I moaned softly and looked at her ,she closed her eyes and relaxed.

"Thank you"she whispered.

I laid down on her and kissed her slowly ,she pulled me closer and grabbed my ass.

"If you dont stop.."she said and switched our positions ,I looked up at her.

"Why must I,I'm making you happy"

She smiled and nodded kissing me slowly, I moaned softly.She looked down at my centre and moaned softly,squeezing her eyes shut.

I arched my back ,she moaned and shivered holding me against her.

I looked up at her she smiled and kissed me slowly. I smiled and held her close,she moved inside of me .I giggled softly ,she looked like she was in heaven.

"I am never removing myself from you"

I giggled, and moved her off me, she watched me.

I got out of the bath, she frowned at me ,I walked into the room ,she followed.

She was naked, I breathed deeply and smiled ,she walked to me picking me up and walking to the bed.

"See something you like my love?"she whispered .

I nodded and giggled.

She sat down and smiled at me ,kissing my neck roughly.She moaned and shivered, she smiled against my skin.There was a knock at the door ,Alexander picked up another robe and wrapped me in it.She walked to the bathroom and walked out with her previous one.

She opened the door..Ophelia smiled at me and bowed to Alexander.

"My Queen I apologise for interrupting.."

Alexander nodded, Ophelia looked at me and then Alexander again.

"There is someone here to see you"

Alexander nodded, Ophilia left ,I walked to the door.Alexander took my hand and we walked down the hall and then downstairs.

Standing by the TV was a woman dressed in black..her brown hair loose.

She turned to us..I stared at her ,Alexander nodded respectively.

"Hello"the woman said, walking to me.

The woman looked like she was in her late forties.

"Look how beautiful you are"

She kissed my hand softly.

I looked at Alexander ,she growled.

"I would like to speak to her..alone, if that is alright with you my queen"she said .

Alexander left me reluctantly.

I looked at this woman ,feeling nervous and..scared..really scared.

The woman walked to the couch and sat down looking at me.

"You dont know who I am..I understand that, but you dont need to be afraid of me"

She smiled and nodded, looking at my leg,it looked bruise..really badly bruised.

"I wont hurt you,I am here to...-"

Elizabeth walked in

The woman stopped and looked at me.

"Why are you here?"

She was too busy watching Elizabeth, who sighed and looked at me. I looked at her.

"Ill be okay"

"You're sure?"

I nodded, "Yes"

She nodded and left, this woman looked at me. I looked at her and sighed, becoming irritated.

"Answer me!"I snapped.

She was looking at me, but..staring unabashedly.

"I said answer me"

She smiled.

"You and I..have a lot to discuss.."

Her grey eyes gaining a twinge of red.

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