Chapter 9

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I was at the park across the street from, my apartment .Sally was playing happily.

It was seven at night yes, but Elizabeth left guards for me so its not that bad.

Olivia was cuddled into me, looking at everything around her.

"Mommy look!"

I looked up Sally was on the swings going quite high

."Well done honey"I said, she smiled and her laughter was so sweet she was so happy...Olivia smiled and clapped her hands, I giggled.

Sally played for another ,ten minutes before walking up to me.

I looked at her.

"Whats wrong?"

I looked around the guards tensed up.

"Nothings wrong..I just want to go home"

I nodded we walked ,across the street to my building..when we walked into, the apartment Sally skipped to the living room.

I closed the door ,the guards stood outside, one was inside by the door.

I walked to the, living room and smiled.

"Honey why dont you bath with Olivia and then we can have dinner?"

Sally looked at me and nodded.

I smiled and walked to the bathroom, I put Olivia in her little high chair..Alexander put one in every room for her...

I ran bath water.


She ran to me and smiled.

I closed the door and undressed Olivia,then myself .I sat down in the bath Olivia sitting on my thighs.Sally climbed in and tickled Olivia ,she giggled and splashed around I smiled.

I washed Olivia,Sally washed herself and got out and wrapped herself in a ,towel she held Olivia for me and sat down.

I washed myself and got out wrapping myself ,in a towel.

I picked Olivia up ,wrapping her towel around her again.

I walked to my bedroom,Sally walked to her's.

I quickly dressed Olivia and myself ,she was rolling around on the bed.I smiled and watched her she looked at me drool ,hanging from her mouth I picked up a tissue and wiped her chin.

Sally walked in..she was wearing pink pj's I smiled.

"Can she change Mommy so we can match!"Sally said ,happily.

Olivia was wearing a blue nightgown.

"But you both look so cute"I pouted ,she smiled and nodded.

I carried Olivia to the kitchen setting, her down in her high chair.

Sally sat by the island.

I pulled out chicken nuggets and chips from the freezer.

I turned to Sally, she nodded happily,Olivia giggled and clapped her hands.

I put the chicken nuggets and chips in the oven and poured her..the blood that was stored away in my fridge for her she sighed and drank it slowly.I went to my bedroom and picked out a toy for Olivia.

I walked back and gave her..a little teddy bear ,she smiled and held it.

I looked at Sally, she had finished most of it.

"A little bit more my baby"

I kissed her cheek.

She nodded and drank the rest all in one go, I washed her glass.

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