Chapter 2

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I unlocked, my apartment door and walked in closing the door. I turned locking it behind me.I looked around ,it was beautiful..everything was black and red the kitchen was high-tech.

I walked further into the apartment ,the living room was beautiful, it had a great view of a lake..the flatscreen was huge...the sofa was huge!Everything was extremely expensive..

I left my things in the living room..I turned right and walked down, a hallway .I opened the first door on my right inside was ,a huge study..I walked to the door ,adjacent to the library and opened the door.Inside was a study I smiled. I walked further down the hallway...I opened the next, door and inside was a bedroom, I smiled.

I walked to the next it was a bathroom..the next was the master, bedroom I gasped, and smiled I walked in and walked to the, bathroom it was beautiful the bath, looked like a hot-tub.

I walked back to the kitchen there ,was a knock at the door. I unlocked the door and opened it two women ,stood there with bags and bags of..stuff behind them.."From high Queen Alexander and Queen Elizabeth"the first one said.

I nodded and let them in ,they walked in carrying the boxs in.

Three trips in and out and they left. I locked the door again and walked ,to the boxes taking the covering off the boxes...

Holy shit..




Louis Vuitton

Sissy Boy

I stared in shock and awe...I packed my stuff away, then carefully packed away .I called Sally.."Hello Mommy"she said happily...

I smiled,"Hi honey can I talk to Moma"I said, I heard rustling.


"Thank you for the apartment..and the gifts"

"Not a problem"she said, I nodded and smiled.

"Do you need anything else for the apartment?"she asked.

"No, its okay thank you"I said.

"Give me the phone!"

There was rustling ,on the other end.

"You can ask nicely"

"Hello my love"Alexander said softly, I giggled.

"Hi"I said softly.

"Thank you, for the gifts"I said.

"Anything for you"she said.

I smiled there was more rustling.

"Mommy!"Sally said .

I smiled and sat down on my bed.

"Yes baby?"I asked ,she sighed..."I have to go, again stupid people, Ill talk to you later!"she said and hung up .I put my phone on charge and used ,the bathroom and showered.

I changed into, a nightgown and walked to, the kitchen everything was fully stocked..

"Wow"I said softly, giggling.

I made myself a sandwich and, poured myself ,some orange juice. I sat in the kitchen and ate quickly and finished, up my juice..there was a, knock at the front door .I walked to the door and unlocked it and opened, it slightly.

A woman stood ,there looking at me, and smiled.

She had brown, curly hair and green eyes.."Can I help you?"I asked she cocked, her head to the right slightly.

"Oh wait I know you!your the woman at the front desk...sorry I dont know your name"

She smiled and waved it away.

"Its names Lisa and yours?"she asked, I opened the door wider and stepped aside, she walked in.

"Claudia"I said said ,closing the door behind me.

We walked to, the living room.

"Back to your first question no ,I just came by to welcome ,you to the building"she said and smiled .I smiled and looked down.

"I'm sorry I'm shy"I said softly, looking up at her, she shook her head and smiled.

"Its okay"she said .

I beckoned her to sit ,I sat down next to her.

"Do you want something to drink?"I asked, she looked at me and shook her head.

"Your cute did, you know that?"she said.

I smiled and hid my blush.

I was given this..weird 'potion', (as Elizabeth calls it), to make sure. I never aged.

"Thank you"

She nodded and looked around.

"Well Ill come by tomorrow"she said, I frowned.

She made ,a funny face I giggled,"Why?"I asked she looked, shocked I smiled.

"So you can make me dinner"she said ,standing up .I stood up too.

"Sounds lovely"I said she nodded and we walked to the door, she left. I breathed deeply and slid to the floor...

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