Chapter 14

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I drove up to Emilia's house.

It was a mini was beautiful..the garden was well kept...the house was white..I drove up to the house my door was opened.

I got out a woman got in my car and went and parked it a while away.

I walked up to the huge dark..wood doors...

They opened I walked in a man bowed and smiled at me.

"This way m'lady"he said.

I followed him on the first floor was the living room which was huge..the kicthen to my right which was all marble...

We walked up a flight of stairs turned right..and down a hallway with paintings lining the walls...probably of her family..

The man stopped at two black doors and knocked.

"Come in"

He gestured for me to go foward and bowed then left.

I opened the door and walked in closing it behind me I turned around..Emilia was standing by a huge window reading documents...she was wearing a black lace gown that trailed to the floor..under that was a black lace night-gown..her hair was looked like a flowing river of gold down her back.

Emilia looked up and smiled.

"Hello my love"she said softly walking to me putting the documemts down on her bed as she went.

"Hi beautiful"I said softly she smiled and stood in front of me kissing my hands.

"I..I'm sorry about..coming over here...its just Elizabeth and Alexander found out about us and they..I just needed get away and see you"I said she looked shocked and scared..

"Do they know where you are?"she asked.

I shook my head she sighed in relief and hugged me.

She kissed the top of my head.

"I love you"she said softly looking at me.

"I love you too"I said softly she smiled and kissed me softly.

"I dont mind you being here"she said picked me up and walking to the bed she sat down and held me close kissing my cheek softly.

"Thank you"I said softly she smiled.

I sighed and looked at my hands...

"They will come here"she said softly.

"I..I know I just.."I stopped and stood up.

"I'll go"I said walking to the door...she was in front of me suddenly I stepped back she locked the door and picked me up again.

"You are not going anywhere"she said.

She walked back to her bed and sat me down.

"I dont mind having you here,I love it"she said.

I smiled she knelt down in front of me kissing me softly.

"Wait here"she said and stood up walking to a beautiful white drawer.

I looked out the window at the moon.

Emilia walked back to me and knelt down in front of me I looked at her she opened a small black box..she opened it and inside was a beautiful diamond ring.."I..I wanted to wait but.."she stopped and took my left hand in hers.

"Will you marry me?"she asked.

I looked at her in shock and disbelief...

"Yes"I said softly she smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger I tackled her to the floor and kissed her repeatedly.

She laughed and sat up looking at me.

I smiled and stood up she stood up and smiled at me.


It has been two weeks since I got engaged.

I am now reading in the living room...Emilia was on the phone stroking my hair...I looked up from my book..I looked up at her and smiled..I looked out the window and my blood ran cold.

Elizabeth walked away from the window...

I sat up dropping my book,I heard a knock at the door..It opened..."Good morning your highness'.."the butler said in surprise.

Emilia hung up her phone call and stood by me rubbing my shoulders.

Alexander walked in followed by Elizabeth...Emilia bowed.

Alexander walked straight to me and sat down by my feet..she picked my book up and set it on the coffee table.

"Hello my love"she said softly.

"Hi"I said softly.

She smiled and kissed my hands...she stared at my engagement ring.

"You do move fast dont you Emilia?"Elizabeth asked standing by the entry way.

Alexander kissed my hands again.

"How have you been?"she asked I looked at her biting my lip.

""I asked her eye twitched slightly.

"Worried about you my love"she said.

I looked at Elizabeth she clenched her jaw and looked away down the hall..Emilia tightened her grip on my shoulders.Alexander smiled at me and kissed my cheek softly.."Lets go home"she said standing up and taking my hand in her's..I stared at her in confusion.

"I'm staying"I said standing up by Emilia.

Alexander looked at me.

Emilia and I walked around the couch,closer to Elizabeth...Alexander walked around the couch and looked at Elizabeth and then at me."My love lets go"she said holding out her hand.

I shook my head"Im staying"I said.

Alexander took a step toward me,Emilia stepped in front of me.

Elizabeth moved away from the wall.

"My love..for the last time..lets go home"Alexander said becoming agitated.

"With all due respect your highness',she wants to stay,you can't force her"Emilia said holding my hand.

I didnt see Elizabeth move....

Emilia was thrown into a wall,Elizabeth was holding Emilia against the wall by her neck..blood was dripping down her neck..

"No!please dont hurt her!"I screamed Alexander took my hand in hers and made me look at her..I blinked and my tears ran down my cheeks.

"Lets go home"she whispered I whimpered.

"Or she dies"she finished.

I shook my head and looked at Emilia she was struggling.

"I'll go with you"I said Alexander smiled.

"Elizabeth lets go"she said.

Elizabeth let Emilia go..she dropped to the floor..Elizabeth walked out of the house,Alexander took my hand and led me out the house.I looked behind me to see Emilia staring at me.

I mouthed 'I love you'

She did the same...

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