Chapter 6

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I was in the kitchen putting stuff ,back into the fridge..when two arms wrapped around my waist I froze.

"Its just me"Alexander whispered.

 I smiled and turned to look at her ,she smiled and kissed my cheek softly I hugged her."I missed you so much"she whispered and kissed me softly, I smiled.

"I missed you too"

She kissed my neck slowly, I moaned softly she smiled against my skin.

"You are so beautiful"

 I smiled she picked me up and carried me to the couch ,she sat me down and sat down next to me.

"You should give birth in the next month or two"she said ,I nodded she put her hand on my stomach.

"I'm so excited"

She smiled and kissed my cheek softly.

"Are you seeing anyone?"she asked, I looked at her.

"No...are you?"I asked, she looked at me funny and shook her head.

"Of coarse not"

 I kissed her cheek, she smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you"I said softly.

"I love you too"she said softly.

She cuddled me and fell asleep next to me I smiled but..I knew that she wouldn't get to see the baby as much....

1 month later..

This past month has been hard..Alexander hasnt been, able to come by and see me at all..Elizabeth is away, on 'official duty' with Sally..

I woke up and walked to the bathroom..I washed up afterwards and bathed.I put a loose fitting black dress on.

I walked to my window ,in my bedroom and looked out at the city..."Everything's going to be okay"I said ,touching my stoamch.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself cereal.

I sighed and ate then brushed my teeth and sat down.

I rested against the couch and breathed deeply...I should give birth soon ,but I'm scared that Alexander wont be around.

I quickly got my phone from my room, walked back to the living room and sat down again.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes.

I stayed like that for a while ,before the contractions...I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed deeply.

"Fuck..fuck"I breathed and breathed deeply, I squeezed a pillow.

"My baby why now?"I asked, and reached for my phone.

I missed it..I breathed deeply and shut my eyes to the pain, I opened them again.

I reached for my phone and picked it up, I  looked for Elizabeth's number.

"Hello my love"

"Hi honey"I said in a strangled breath.

"Love what's wrong!"

"I..uh-...can you-...please ask Alexander to..oww! see me please I'm in labour"I said crying.

"I'll do it now my love"she said and hung up..I put my phone down and laid down.

I tried not to scream.This is so fucking painful!....please..let..please say she's on her way please..

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