Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up and sighed deeply.

I walked to the bathroom and showered, I changed,  used the toilet and washed up.I walked out of my bedroom ,to hear the TV on. I stopped and walked back, to my room and walked to my closet.

Inside a box was a ,knife Alexander had given me a while ago.

I walked back out and slowly crept to the living room.

I looked into the kitchen..who ever was here, helped themselves to breakfast..

I walked a bit farther and saw my door was off its hinges.I panicked...I looked around not seeing anyone or anything missing...I walked to the living room and saw Sally happily eating cereal..


I put the knife on the side table, behind the lamp.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Mommy!"she said and put her bowl of cereal down ,and ran to me. I picked her up, I kissed her cheeks ,she smiled and snuggled against me.

"My baby what are you doing here, wheres Moma?"

She went stiff, I put her down she looked down ,at her bare feet..." wanted to see you but Moma said we must I left and I came here..sorry about your door.."she said.

"So Moma doesn't know your here? one...knows where you are?"

"I know where I am!"she snapped, looking at me her fangs extending a bit.

"I know honey but Moma doesn't  know?"

She nodded.

"No..she doesn't"

I sighed and picked her up, I walked her back to the couch and her cereal.I put her down and she ate again.I kissed her cheek and sat down next to her.

I cuddled her and sighed.

She watched TV happily, I walked to the kitchen,when Elizabeth, walked to me she looked distraught.She grabbed me holding me close. I kissed her cheeks and held her.."I dont know where she is..shes gone!"she cried into my shoulder.

I walked her to the living room ,Sally looked at me and bit her lip.

Elizabeth looked up at me then looked ,at Sally she stopped moving...

"I found her watching TV a few minutes ago..I dont know when she arrived"I said.

Elizabeth walked to Sally and hugged her, "I thought something terrible had happened to you!"she said.

"I wanted to see Mommy"Sally said pouting, Elizabeth moved away from her and looked at her..

"You couldnt just wait!"

Sally looked at me, my heart broke.

"You couldn't just wait a just had to run off!"Elizabeth shouted.

 Sally trembled, but she looked defiant.

"I wanted to see Mommy!"she shouted.

Elizabeth hated...and I mean hated to be challenged..

Alexander walked in, she smiled and walked to me kissing me softly.

"You ran off!you could have been hurt!"Elizabeth shouted.

"So what!?Im fine Mommy doesnt mind if I'm here!"Sally shouted.

Alexander held my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Speak to me like that again"Elizabeth said in a whisper.

Sally's resolved crumbled.

She looked down and breathed deeply.

"I'm sorry"she said softly.

Elizabeth walked to my bedroom, I walked to Sally and cuddled her.

I held her close as ,she cried into my shoulder. Alexander walked to my bedroom ,I sighed and kissed Sally's cheek."Moma hates me"she said softly, her tear stained cheeks breaking my heart.

"Moma doesnt hate you my baby"I said ,she pouted and shook her head.

"Yes she does"

 I cuddled her and sat back, I rocked her to sleep.

Elizabeth walked in, she looked at me ,I switched the TV off.

She sat down next to me and sighed.

"Im so sorry about that"she said softly, I bit my lip and looked at Sally's sleeping face.

"She thinks you hate her..she's  convinced"I said her ,head snapped up ,she looked at me distraught and....defeated...

"I dont hate her..I could never ever hate her"

I smiled and nodded.

"She just..she scared me and I didn't  know what to do"

I nodded, "I know baby"

I put Sally down next to me and walked to the kitchen. Alexander was sitting by ,the island staring at...oh no..I thought I threw it away!!!

"You're pregnant"she said softly.

"I..yes.."I said softly, she looked at me and sighed.

"You already know its yours"I said ,she nodded and smiled slightly.

"I know..the baby is mine...does..anyone else know?"

I shook my head walking closer to her ,she looked at the wall and breathed deeply and shook her head.

She doesnt want the baby

"You dont want the baby I know just leave it"I said walking to the fridge ,taking out a bottle of water.

"I do want this baby..especially with you my love"she said.

"You're pregnant with my Mothers baby?"Elizabeth asked.

I closed the fridge and nodded looking at her ,she wasn't looking at me ,she was looking at her Mother her jaw clenched.

"...Yes"I said ,she scoffed and laughed softly.

"That was your plan wasnt it?"Elizabeth asked ,her Mother.

Alexander didn't reply.

"To rub it in my face mhm? be able to say that you have a child with the love of my life..."she said.

 Alexander didnt say anything ,she looking at me .I looked at her ,she opened her mouth and closed it.

"There was no plan...what are you talking about?"Alexander asked ,standing up I. breathed deeply putting ,the bottle of water down.

"You...know she can't have both of us"Alexander said.

"You also know that she love's us both..she can choose, who ever she wants"she finished softly.

Not this again..

"Why do I have to choose?"I asked, they both looked at me.

"Why?it makes no sense!I mean I love you both!"

 Alexander sat down again and Elizabeth walked further into the room."My angel like we said before you cannot and ,I mean cannot have two mates"Alexander said.

"I know what you said!"

"You dont think this is hard for me!?like for fuck sakes ,I love you both so much!I cant be with both of you it's wouldn't be fair ,you two would fight all the time!and I cant choose I just cant"

Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Its so fucking hard all the time"I whispered.

Elizabeth sighed and sat down next to her ,Mother they weren't looking at me.

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