Chapter 10

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Sally and Olivia were sitting in the lounge.

Sally was playing with her teddy bears,Olivia smiled and giggled.

I smiled and watched them.

What happens if they...both have to marry you but they dont want to do it?

What happens if they leave you alone and take Olivia and Sally with them?

Tears stung my eyes.

I breathed deeply and shook away the thoughts, I wiped my I'm crying really...

The door opened and Elizabeth walked in ,she hugged me and kissed me slowly .I moaned softly,she pulled back and walked to Sally...Alexander walked in ,she hugged me holding me against her.

"What's wrong?"I whispered.

She just shook her head and pulled back, she kissed me softly I smiled.

She walked to Olivia I frowned, they're both acting odd....

I walked to them and sat down .Olivia crawled to me and cuddled into my legs .I held her hands she smiled..she was growing up way too fast...she pulled herself up and giggled.

"My baby your standing!"I said ,she giggled and smiled.

I kissed her cheeks Alexander, sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.

"Well done my baby"

 Olivia smiled and wiggled was so cute!!

Olivia smiled and rested against me ,looking at Sally.

I kissed her cheek and picked her up ,snuggling her she smiled.

"She'll be where,Sally is..age a week or the next few days"Alexander said.

 I looked at her she smiled.

I looked at Olivia...I smiled and nodded.


Just like Alexander said Sally and Olivia were the same 'age'...Olivia was beautiful just like Alexander.

Alexander looked at me and kissed my hand.

"Elizabeth and I will be back soon"she said, I nodded they left.

They were both still talking to the council a month sucks...a lot...

I sighed, then continued with my work..I had decided to start working from home until, all of this was sorted out..and Sally and Olivia were both here ,with me I couldn't just leave them alone.

When I was done ,I packed everything right and smiled.

..wait...the house was quiet...far too quiet.I walked to the girls rooms' ,they weren't in either .I walked to the living room and saw them talking.

They were both teenagers...well around fifteen...they grew up way too fucking fast.

I watched them they seemed ,so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice me at all.

"...I know...but we can't you know that"Olivia said standing up, she walking to the window.

"But..if we talk to Mommy ,first then we can take it from there"Sally said almost pleading.

"Sally we can't they wont accept it!"Olivia shouted.

Sally visibly flinched.

I walked in ,they looked at me Sally had tears in her eyes.

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