Chapter 11

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"Get out"Elizabeth snapped, looking at Sally.

Sally looked up at her shocked and heart broken.

"Get out and don't you ever come back, I never want to see you again"

Sally stood up and walked to her room ,Olivia followed.

I cuddled into Alexander crying.

"Shh!"she whispered.

Sally and Olivia both left walking out of our lives...I sat down crying into my hands ,Elizabeth cuddled me,while Alexander kissed ,my wet cheeks whispering that she loved me.

"I fucked up"I said.

"You didnt I think that they just...they just need time to process my love"Alexander said.

I walked to my room and ran bath water,once it was done .I undressed myself and got in Elizabeth joined me sitting behind me ,Alexander joined me as well sitting in front of me.

"I dont know what I did wrong"

Elizabeth held my hand, Alexander kissed my cheek.

"You didnt do anything they...They're just brats"

Alexander laid on me and snuggled into me, I giggled softly.

I kissed her forehead ,she smiled and closed her eyes.

Elizabeth sighed deeply and kissed my head.

I looked up at her ,she smiled winked ,I giggled and looked down.

Alexander was asleep it seemed.

"Is my Mother sleeping?"Elizabeth whispered. I nodded she sighed and relaxed.


A few days later we were at a gathering...ball..thing..

Elizabeth had a beautiful black dress on it, hugged her figure perfectly,her black hair down up in a complicated bun.Alexander had a beautiful cream coloured dress on it hung loosely, her brown hair curled around her face.

I was in a loose black dress, I didnt even want to wear a fucking dress..

I sighed Elizabeth and Alexander were both in their element,chating to all these people...dignitaries,other royal families...

A woman walked up to us..she was beautiful,she had grey eyes,light brown hair, a black and white dress that clung to her, she was obviously old...physically she looked around fifty..but she must be old....

She nodded respectively towards us, she spoke to Alexander and Elizabeth..

She looked at me and smiled.

I looked down, holding Elizabeth's hand.

Alexander excused herself.

"It was lovley seeing you again, your Grace"the woman said.

"Always a pleasure Emilia"she said

Emilia left..not before she winked.

Elizabeth didnt notice ,she kissed my neck wrapping her arms around me.

"Having fun my love?"she whispered .

I shook my head, she laughed softly and kissed my cheek softly.

I watched Emilia talk to other guests, she was beautiful...she looked at me and smiled.I looked away , and up at Elizabeth. She kissed my nose and giggled at me ,I pouted and tickled her she laughed and squirmed away from me.

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