Chapter 16

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I walked to the living room,Elizabeth was standing talking to Sally and Olivia.I back-tracked and ran..down the hallway straight into Alexander ,she looked down at me and smiled.

"My silly love whats wrong?"

She took the lead in her hand.

I shook my head and looked at her.

"Tell me"she whispered, holding my hand.

"Olivia and Sally are here"I whispered.

 She stood up straight and led me to our room, she locked me inside.I sat down on the bed and breathed deeply...I walked to the bathroom and showered.

I cried sliding down the wall.

I was so sick of this..being here..being treated like this..

I swtiched the shower off and stepped out,I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth.I climbed into bed and laid down staring at the ceiling..I wonder how Emilia is doing..please let her be okay.

After a while Alexander came back ,she looked at me and held her hand out.

I stood up walking to her ,she took my hand and then turned around ,grabbing the leash off the side table by the door.

She slipped it on and took the leash, we walked to the living room.

I saw Emilia and Elizabeth standing next to each other by the TV.Emilia looked at me and stepped forward.I walked forward but Alexander yanked on the leash ,I stopped and coughed.

I looked at Emilia, she was staring hatefully at Alexander.

"Elizabeth leave us"Alexander said.

Elizabeth sighed and walked out the apartment.Emilia smiled at me, she stepped forward staring at me lovingly, I smiled and looked down.

"May I hold her?"Emilia pleaded.


I looked at her ,she smiled at me and kissed my cheek softly .I moved away she backhanded me, I fell forward but the leash pulled and I was choking.

Alexander pulled me up, I gasped and glared at her,

"Please"I whispered.

She stared at me, clenching her jaw.

She let the leash go ,I ran to Emilia ,she scooped me up in her arms and held me close kissing me softly.

"There you are my love"she whispered .

I kissed her.

"Dont let me go"I begged ,she held me tightly.

Emilia sat down and held me close.

"I missed you"

She smiled and kissed me softly.

"I missed you"

She stroked my cheek.

"Thats enough ,come back here"Alexander snapped.

I looked at Alexander ,she growled.

Emilia kissed me softly and let me go reluctantly.

I walked to Alexander, she held my leash again.

"You've had your visit"

She grabbed my waist and kissing my cheek slowly.

Alexander kissed my neck softly and looked at me.

"She's tasted your blood?"she asked and then looked at Emilia.

I nodded.

"I havent.."

"Your highness-"


She tilted my neck to the side and bit into me roughly. I screamed and tried pulling away ,she kept me in place.She drank and drank and drank.

When she pulled away, I collapsed to the floor, the leash straining against my neck.

"She tastes lovely"Alexander sighed.

She let the leash go.

"That must make you extremely upset,I basically just had sex with her in front of you does that make you feel?"

She took a step forward, I stood up dizzy.

Emilia caught me and carried me to the couch ,laying me down on the couch.

"How does that make you feel Emilia?"

 Emilia kissed me softly tears ,running down her cheeks.

"Like I want to kill you"

She turned to look at Alexander, who smiled and clapped her hands.

"Well done a reaction"

Emilia kissed my cheek and looked at me worried.

"Now I dare you to try"Alexander snapped.

I sat up and looked at Emilia.


Tears running down my cheeks, she held my cheeks and kissed me slowly.

"I wont"she whispered.

I smiled and hugged her.

"Your weak"Alexander snapped.

Emilia stood up and looked at Alexander.

"I'm not weak ,I just know that if I fought you I would die,I would leave the love of my life alone and I am not going to abandon her because you wish to have bloodshed"Emilia snapped.

Alexander growled and stepped forward.

"Alexander please stop"I begged ,she looked at me.

"I love Emilia more than anything...I did love you once, but you changed"I whispered.

She had tears in her eyes,she blinked them back and swallowed.

"I will not loose you"she said softly.

"You already did"

I looked at Emilia ,she was staring at Alexander.

"I said you will never ever be with her and I meant that"Alexander said.

She knelt down and held my hand.

"Its your choice now my angel, choose me and your beloved Emilia lives...choose her and she dies, my love"

I looked at myself in the TV.

"If I choose you I..I have some...things I want"

"Of course ,my love"

"I still want to see Emilia, I want to be able to talk to her on the phone...go and visit her,have her here"I said softly holding, Emilia's hand.

Alexander growled and looked out the window,she sighed in defeat closing her eyes and nodding.

I smiled.

Emilia looked down at me.

She knelt by me and kissed me softly.

"You saved my life"she said softly.

I giggled.

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