Chapter 17

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I looked at Alexander she was holding my lead ,in her right hand while she stared out of the window.I sighed and looked at my hands..Elizabeth leant against ,the seat and sighed.

We were on our are we going?...

I touched Alexander's arm ,her head snapped to me.

"Yes my love"she said softly leaning close.

 I shivered she smiled and pulled me onto her lap.

"Where..are we going?"I asked softly ,she stroked my cheek.

"Its a surprise my love"

I nodded and looked at my hands.

She rested my head against her chest and sat back.

I closed my eye's...maybe I'll fall asleep..

"You should tell her"Elizabeth said softly.

"Why"Alexander said stroking ,my cheek softly.

"What your about to do will effect her..badly"Elizabeth snapped.

Alexander sighed and kissed my head softly.

"I wont let that happen"she said softly.

A jacket was wrapped around me, I snuggled deeper into Alexander's chest,"All warm now my angel?"she whispered.

 I nodded slightly ,she laughed softly and kissed my cheek.

I fell asleep...


When I woke up I was laying in bed..I looked around confused.

I sat up...I turned the light on ,Alexander was standing at the end of my bed .I stiffened and moved back a bit.

"Where are we?"

"I'll show you later"

I stood up slowly ,but fell back onto the bed...I felt dizzy.

"Take it slow"she said softly ,walking to me.

"Is..Is Emilia here?"

I looked up at Alexander ,she laid me down covering me with blankets.

"No,she isn't"

I looked at her again.

"I love you very much"she whispered.

 She looked at me intently.

I looked down.

"I..know Ive changed..I know Ive hurt you"she said, sitting down by me.

"I did all of this because, I have never loved anyone like I love you.You mean the world to me and I cannot lose you"she said softly looking at me sadly.

"If you love me so much, dont you want me to be happy?"

She nodded.

"Then let me go"

 She looked at the door.

"You arent my prisoner"

She walked out.

I sighed and laid down again ,staring at the wall..

I stood up and walked to the door slowly.I opened the door ,surprised it was unlocked.I walked into the dark hallway.I looked right...doors and a wall at the end of it,I looked left..more doors and I think a stairwell..

I went left and walked to the stairwell.

I walked down the stairs into a living room..A hand landed on my arm ,I screamed and fell forward.

I was picked up, I looked up and saw..Alexander she smiled down at me.

"Are you okay?"she whispered.

 I nodded she smiled and kissed my nose. I giggled softly ,she smiled and sat down on a couch.

"I thought you would, be sleeping my love"she whispered.

I shook my head ,she smiled again.

I saw a woman with black hair, walking away from us.

"That is Ophelia..she is going to help you?"she whispered, I frowned.

"With what?"

"You're a bit sick my love"

She gestured to my leg..I looked down the veins in my right leg were going black.

"Whats happening!"

 I sat up ,Alexander snuggled me and kissed my cheek softly.

"Emilia is sick my love..she gave the virus to you,your body is slowly killing off all your cells..but Ophelia may have stopped it"she whispered .

I looked at her.

" she going to die?"I asked.

"Yes..but it will take years,you shouldn't have been able to get it"

"It eats away at the cells that make a us what we are..and then it destroys and eats away at their skin..that can take weeks even months at a time.Once it gets to the starts to eat away at it,slowly driving the victim insane...and then't have gotten it..Ive managed to stop it"Ophelia said, standing by tubes..

I looked at Alexander ,she kissed me softly.

"I wont let it kill you"she whispered.

 I stood up ,Alexander helped me.

I looked at her ,she smiled.

I walked to Ophelia, she smiled and shook my hand.

"I see why, my Queen is in love"

 I bit my lip and looked down.

Ophelia had jet black hair,brown eyes and skin as white as was weird.

I looked at my got to the middle of my shin.

"It traveled faster in you because your human..vampire cells can regenerate, trying to fight it off thats why it takes so long"

 I nodded Alexander kissed my cheek ,wrapping her arms around my waist.

"It hurts"

I  looked at Alexander ,she nodded kissing me softly.

"I can take the pain away"Ophelia  said ,holding up a knife

I squirmed away..Alexander stood in front of me and growled deeply.

"If she drinks your blood, my Queen the pain will subside"Ophelia said in a haste.

I looked at Alexander ,she held out her arm.

Ophilia cut her palm and turned the hand towards ,a bowl the blood dripped slowly.

I moved in front of Alexander ,she held me close.

The bowl was half full..

Alexanders hand healed,Ophelia poured it carefully into a cup and held it out to me.

Alexander picked me up and carried me to the couch. Ophelia  followed with the blood I took it from her and sipped it slowly.I gagged and shook my head Alexander , kissed me slowly, I moaned softly ,she smiled and held me close.

"I know its horrible for will make you feel better"she whispered.

 I nodded drinking again..I took a bigger sip.

Alexander smiled again and kissed me softly.

I rested against Alexander ,as Ophelia walked out of the room.

I chugged the rest in one go..I gagged and Alexander took the glass and put it aside.

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