Chapter 5

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Elizabeth looked at me and stepped back.

"You should go"

I shook my head tears spilling down my cheeks my heart was breaking.."No please I miss you and I...I just want to see you and spend time with you please"I said, she was backing me towards the door.


I shook my head.

She sighed and opened the door, pushed me out and then slammed the door in my face..tears spilled down, my cheeks in never ending waves. I walked to Sally's room and said goodbye, then I left.

The drive home was, horrible I was in tears and I..I hated myself..

When I got home, I showered and got dressed. I went downstairs and went to work..I worked for a company specializing in health care...I was one of the the psychological field.

I walked into my office and got started ,on my paper work and then my first meeting.

"....the company can benefit if all the fields try and converge at certain points.It will help the work ethic of the employees and it will help us getting into more hospitals and clinics"

I wasnt really paying attention.

"Good points ,I'll let you know the plan next week"

We all left, I walked to my office and sat down feeling horrible .I breathed deeply and tears escaped my eyes. I breathed deeply and started working on the files on my desk.

I was an hour ,into my reading and signing.

I kept on going for hours ,until a knock at the door pulled me away from my work.

The door opened and in walked my assistant, she smiled and waited by the door.

"Its already half past six I'm leaving"she said softly ,I nodded she left.

I packed up my stuff and left the drive home was full of me doubting myself.

When I got home I walked to my bedroom and showered. I changed into a nightgown and quickly made myself something to eat.I sat down in the living room ,eating and reading through my paperwork.

I put my hand ,on my stomach smiled.

My stomach was huge..perks of a vampire baby...

I finished up and walked back to my bedroom and laid down.

I fell asleep soon after...

I woke up to the sound of, soft crying and a hand on my stomach.

I looked at Alexander she wasnt looking at me, she rested her head on my chest and cried harder.."Honey whats wrong?"I asked ,she looked up at me and sat up straight..I hugged her she held me close.

"Talk to me whats wrong?"

She didnt answer me.

"Your not going to talk to me?"

She again, didnt respond.

I kissed her forehead and laid down, she laid down next to me keeping on hand on my stomach."I missed you"I said smiling ,she didnt even move to look at me.I bit my lip and sighed.

She laid like this with me for a while and eventually, she stood up. I looked at her, she had her back to me..she put a letter on my bedside table, she turned to me and kissed my cheek softly.

She left I laid down and fell asleep again.

The next morning I woke up and showered, I quickly changed..I'm now officially on maternity leave..I ate and stared out at the city...I missed Elizabeth and much I missed having them both around.

I missed having ,Sally around all the time.

A knock at the door made me flinch .I walked to the door my assistant ,Vikki smiled .I let her in and got together the documents and paperwork, she needed to take back to the office. I gave them to her.

"Thank you see you in a few months"she said and left.

I closed the door behind her and walked to my room, I picked up Alexander's letter ,I walked to the living room and sat down.

I opened it slowly...

'Dear Claudia..

I am so sorry being ,so cold towards you.

I am so sorry about ,what I said to you and what I said about our baby...I want to have you both in my life .I do but I can't and it's killing me.

I never ever wanted to hurt you...I love you so much...

Every night I go and see you..I cant help myself ,I am so sorry.I know that being away from myself and Elizabeth is hard.I know and I understand that you hold resentment towards us but, we didnt see any other way..

I am so sorry ,about everything.

I will come by tonight again..I need to talk to you..

All my love...


I sighed and smiled...Im going to see her.

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