Chapter 12

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"We will be home in two weeks"Elizabeth whispered, kissing me softly.

I nodded and hugged her ,she walked out, they were going to a wedding overseas.

Alexander kissed me slowly, I moaned softly ,she smiled and left.

I closed and locked the door behind them.I walked to my phone and picked up the note that Emilia, had put in my bag three weeks ago.I sat down on the couch and sighed deeply...

I looked at the number and entered it in my phone under her name and saving it.

I put my phone on the table and breathed deeply.

I picked my phone up and called Emilia...






"Hi Emilia"I said softly.

My heart was pounding.

"I'm the girl from the ball..we met three weeks ago"

"Hi love!how are you? I've been expecting your call..hoping for it"she said softly.

"I'm sorry for the wait ,Ive been busy with work"

"Its alright love..I miss you"

"I..I miss you too"

"When can I see you again?"

I looked out the window and breathed deeply.

"Whenever your free"

"I'm free tonight"she said softly.

"That sounds good"

"I can come to you ,my love...again"she said.


" was lovely"she said, I realized what she was talking about.


A blush was working its way onto my cheeks.

"That sounds good can, I give you the address?"

"Yes please"

I gave the address...was this a good idea?....

"I'll be there in two hours"she said and hung up.

I looked at the was six now...

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a burger.

I ate without tasting it...

I washed up the things, I used and showered,I stepped into my room and just put a black flowing dress on...

I walked to my study and finished up some work..

When I was done, I quickly put a load of washing in and then walked ,to my room picking up my phone and checking the time...19:20....

I had six missed calls from Elizabeth...crap...

I phoned her and sat down on my bed...she's going to kill me...

"Hello my love"

"Hi baby ,I'm so sorry for not answering the phone I was busy with work.."

"Its alright, I just wanted to make sure you were okay"

"I'm okay"

I looked out my window..

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