Chapter 21

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It's been three months since I've been kidnapped.

The smell in this room is fucking disgusting,this guy who took me gave me..humans and then never removed them.

I laid down and screamed.

The door opened,the guy walked in..I stood up,he made a face and then shook his head gesturing me to follow.

I followed slowly,he slammed the door and pulled me along in a death grip.

From what I heard..Alexander was winning..and this ass hat was in a crap mood.

I smiled at the thought.

He pulled me outside and into the sun.

I screamed as the sun hit my skin..he pulled me along to a cliff,rows and rows of soldiers stood by us.

I looked down..I saw thousands and thousands of soldiers beneath us,I gasped and pulled back.

He tightened his grip on me.

"Alexander!your little slut here misses you!"He shouted.

I looked around, he shook me.

"Don't let her suffer any longer!"

I screamed as ,he crushed my wrist.

I punched his stomach with all I had..he doubled over and let me go,I fell back.I looked down and saw Alexander and Emilia I cried in happiness and reached her them.

Alexander looked ,heart broken.

Emilia reached for me and looked at Alexander.

I stood up,the guy...grabbed my hair and yanked me back.He looked at Alexander,"Give yourself over and she lives"

She hissed and stayed still.I heard screaming behind us,Alexander's soldiers had come around us..killing all these dudes soldiers.

He turned and yanked me with him.

I pushed him back,he let me go to back hand someone away,I ran away from him,weaving threw soldiers,One grabbed me I punched him and kicked him off the cliff.

I ran to the tree line,I looked down Alexander and Emilia were gone..

I ran threw the trees,I scaled up a tree as quickly as I could.

A few soldiers ran past,"Find her!"

I hugged the tree and stayed still, one of them was below me.I dropped and landed in his head,I grabbed his head and twisted until it snapped off.

I looked around me..three left..two to my right,one straight a head of me.

I slowly moved towards the one ahead of me,I tapped his shoulder and punched his jaw clean off as he turned.I snapped his head off and walked towards the other too.

The one knelt down as the other kept moving,the one moving away from me stiffened and walked towards a few bushes.

I grabbed the one near me and snapped his neck,I ripped his heart gross....

I laid him down and then moved towards the last one..the fighting was calming down.A bullet ran through the air and buried itself in my spine.I gasped and dropped down face first,the guy I was stalking..turned and looked at me,he leaped and landed on my back.

"Well look here...aren't you precious?"

He ran his hand over my back...I was internally screaming...fuck fuck fuck!!!

He was ripped away from me...I heard his screaming cut off...

I was rolled onto my back,Emilia smiled and pulled me up.

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