Chapter 4

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"I dont know what to do"

Elizabeth looked at me and sighed deeply.

"My Mother and I spoke about this...if this was your answer than we...have decided...that it would be best if..myself and my Mother do not see you again..ever"she said, I frowned down at my hands

"Sally will still come by but we will not"she finished.

"You can't be that!"I said she was suddenly hugging me.

"I love you so much"she whispered and kissed me slowly and carefully.

She pulled away and walked to the living room"Goodbye"she said and walked away out of my line of sight...Alexander hadnt moced except to look at me"Dont leave..please I this..Please stay I love you both"I said she walked to me and held my hand.

"You will never and I mean never tell our child of my existence"she said and kissed my forehead.

"No!"I said she kissed my cheek and looked at me tears in her eyes.

"I love you...I love you more than anything"she said and left.

I ran after them Elizabeth grabbed me and carried me back to my apartment..she put me down next to Sally and she walked to the door I ran after her she grabbed my wrist and twisted me around and walked me back to the couch.

"Dont leave please"I said she let my wrist go and then she was gone.

I cried myself to sleep.

2 months later..

When I woke up I walked to the living room Sally was watching TV...I sat up she smiled I smiled and made her cereal she ate and smiled again I kissed her cheek and ate my cereal and showered.

This up and down..with Sally between myself and Elizabeth was horrible..I mean Im two months pregnant.

I bathed Sally and got her dressed in one of my shirts.

A driver came to pick her up I hugged her and walked her downstairs.

"Can you come with to drop me off?"she asked I looked at her and smiled.

"Can my Mommy come with?"she asked the driver he nodded and bowed.

We got in she smiled and cuddled close..we drove to Elizabeth's castle...when we got there we were taken to Sally's room she walked in and smiled everything was white...

"My angel-"

I turned Elizabeth looked at me I looked down she walked in I looked at her again she wasnt looking at me..."I wanted to see Mommy and show her my room"Sally said proudly.

Elizabeth nodded stiffly.

"Hi"I said softly Elizabeth ignored me completely.

She walked out Sally sat on her bed.."Are you guys fighting?"she asked I shook my head and kissed her cheek.."No honey we...we aren't fighting"I said she nodded and smiled.

"Go talk to her"she said I breathed deeply and shook my head.

"I should go honey"I said she pouted tears in her eye's.

"Okay,okay I'll go and see"I said and walked to Elizabeth's bedroom I knocked and walked in she looked at me from the window.I closed the door behind me and smiled slightly she didnt smile back.

"I wanted to see you how you were"I said softly she looked out the window again.

"I'm fine"she said flatly.

"You can leave"she said.

"I..I just want to see you!"I said she looked at me and walked closer to me.

"I miss you so much"I said she held my hand I hugged her she didnt hug me back.

"I kissed her cheek and smiled at her she touched my stomach and growled.

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