Chapter 13

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Alexander and Elizabeth had been gone for about, two weeks. Emilia visited me quite a lot in those two weeks.

I woke up and showered, then tidied up the house a bit..I did the washing, I finally ate at 10:20...

Emilia had left yesterday fearing Alexander and Elizabeth ,coming home a day early.I missed her but it was a good decision, I mean I had to fucking change the bed sheets because they smelt like her.

Anyway..I had to make sure everying wasnt ,out of place or they would know somethings up...

I walked to my study and pulled out, my laptop sitting down behind my desk.

I switched it on and pulled up my Emails...I went through them and then sending a few back.

The door opened, I screamed and looked at the door.

Alexander smiled and walked in.

She burst out laughing, I pouted ,she walked to me and smiled giggling.

"Hello my love"she said softly.

She hugged me, I cuddled close.

"Hi baby"

She touched my cheek.

"I missed you"she said softly.

I kissed her softly.

"I missed you more"

We walked to the living room ,Elizabeth walked in she breathed deeply and turned around, she looked at me...and smiled. I walked to her she hugged me kissing my nose softly, I giggled.

"Hello love"

 I cuddled into her.

"Hi beautiful"I said softly ,she smiled and snuggled me.

We walked to the living room and sat down Elizabeth on my left and Alexander on my right she snuggled me.

"How was it?"

 Alexander looked beside herself and smiled down at me.


"Im really sorry"

Elizabeth rested her head on my lap, I giggled she didnt move..Alexander stiffened.

"We'll be back now,we're just going to unpack"

I nodded Elizabeth stood up and walked to my room,Alexander followed.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling...

I walked to the kitchen and warmed up some blood, I set them down on a tray .I walked to my bedroom and opened the door.

"...we need to confront her"Elizabeth growled.

They looked at me ,I stopped and smiled slightly.

"I uh...I thought you may want some"I said softly, Elizabeth was scaring me Alexander walked to me and smiled.

"Thank you my love"she said softly taking the glasses.

I left closing the doors behind me. I walked to the kitchen and put the tray down.

I walked to the living room and sat down staring ,at the coffee table in front of me.

Who are they talking about?

And hour went by when they, finally walked out of the room to join me.

Elizabeth stood by the TV,Alexander sat down on the coffee table in front of me.

"My love we need to talk to you"

I nodded.

She held my hands and kissed them.

"We know about you and Emilia"she said softly.

 I froze...I looked down and breathed deeply...

"Before you ask how..let us explain"Elizabeth said, walking forward and sitting next to me.

"Sally and Olivia told us.."

Alexander cuddled me ,I just laid still she held me close kissing my head softly.

"They...they've been keeping us informed, on whats been going on"Elizabeth said.

Alexander kissed my cheeks...a tear landed on my cheek. I looked up at her,"I'll give you two some space"Elizabeth said.

She walked out the room.

Alexander held me, crying into my hair.

"Were we not enough for you?"

I looked at her.

"Did we not make you happy?"she finished.

" two do..but I'm tired of the fighting,Im tired of hardly ever seeing you and I..she just..."I stopped and breathed deeply looking at the wall.

She held my hand.

"I just...I'm tired of being in the middle of you two"

I  stood up and walked out the apartment, and then the building.I walked to my car and got in...fuck...

I pulled my phone out and called Emilia.

"Hello my love"

"Hi beautiful"

"Can I come and see you?please?"

"Of course my love"

"I'll send you my address now"

I waited for the address and put it in my GPS.

I started the car and drove away from my fucked up relationship.

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