Chapter 22

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Emilia was painting me...nude...well with a silk blanket...over

"Just lower it a bit"

I lowered it slightly,she smiled and continued on,Alexander walked in.She stopped and stared at me.

And then Emilia,who looked at her and the bowed her head.

"What's going on here?"

"Safe place to be naked?"

I giggled and nodded,she walked to me and kissed my nose.

"!you can't be here!Out out out!"I said.

I dragged her to the door,losing my blanket on the way,she grabbed my butt.

I squealed and giggled.

Emilia smiled,"Well hello there"

I pressed myself against the wall,Alexander stroked my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I've been neglecting you"

"It's okay, I understand"

"So...can I stay?"


Emilia whistled,"The queen being told the youngest of our kind"

Alexander looked at her and smiled.

She turned to me,I crossed my arms,"I said no"

"And I out rank you ,on so many levels so yes"

She walked and sat down,Emilia picked me up and carried me to her chair,"Well we are just about done..."

She touched up a bit on the blanket.

I looked at Alexander,she seemed fine now...but I knew she was hurting..she was trying to look strong.

I knew she was don't get me wrong..but I see how it hurts.

We didn't have a funeral for Elizabeth,at first I didn't understand why and I fought it,but they explained to me that it just didn't happen.

Never has,never will.

I understood but still...she should be remembered,Alexander promised she would.

Alexander smiled and kissed my hand.

Emilia was in her own world and she could she was...fucking amazing.

I looked at the painting,Emilia mumbled to herself and stepped back looking at it.

"You do realise talking to yourself is the first sign of madness?"

Emilia snapped out of it and looked at Alexander,"I thought it was answering yourself"

Alexander laughed and nodded.

"Or that one, I can never remember"

They laughed and snuggled me.

"I think it's just about done,we just need to let it dry"

Alexander pulled me along,Emilia held my hand.

We passed a few people,they bowed towards Alexander.

I heard Sally and Olivia downstairs.

Alexander looked at me and then focused forward again.

"You don't have any children Emilia?"

She looked over at Alexander,"No, my queen"

Alexander smiled,"You are so lucky"

"I heard that mom!"Olivia snapped.

I gripped Emilia's hand.

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