Chapter 15

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Alexander smiled and looked at Elizabeth, as she walked out the room.

"I missed you"she whispered.

I looked at her.

She looking at me sadly.

She kissed my cheek and stood up walking to the window.

"Dont you ever think of leaving again"

I sat up and looked at her.

She looked at me and clentched her jaw,"I love you...we love you..and you leave us for her?..."

She started walking towards me, she looked horrible..her hair was loose and wild around her face,her dress was loose and a horrible blood red.

She grabbed my jaw and made me stare at her.

"Answer me!"

 I flinched.

"I..I..I was tired of all this shit here!I am tired off being a fucking possession for the both of..I am tired of being kept under lock and key.Emilia actually cares about me, she wants to see me happy"

I slapped her hand ,away from my jaw.

"A possession is what you are, because you are mine,do you understand?Elizabeth is just here to help keep you in line now.I made sure you had no connection with will listen to me and obey have no choice or that piece of filth you ran off with will die"

She grabbed my neck.

I gasped and clawed at her hands, she dropped me and walked out of the room locking the door behind her.

I bit my lip and screamed into a pillow.



I showered and changed walking to the bed.

I laid down staring at the moon...the door opened and in came, Alexander she closed and locked the door behind her.

"Ready to talk to me?"

I moved away from her, she sighed.

"Alright I'll talk"

She walked to the closet and changing.

"You are going to stay here,You will not go anywhere without me,you will listen and obey me no questions asked"

She standing by the curtain, looking at me.

"You are not leaving me ever again"she snapped.

"And what happens if I get away from you?"

She smiled her fangs sliding down slowly.

"If by any miracle on your part that you do escape. I will know exactly where your going"

She started walking towards me slowly.

"And if you escape I will kill Emilia"

I sat up at that remark.

"Dont you dare hurt her ever!"

 She slapped me and grabbed my neck ,pulling me towards her.

"Dont you dare ,speak to me like that again"she whispered.

She let me go ,I moved away from her ,she walked to the bathroom.

I laid down and closed my eyes wishing to be somewhere else.

I fell asleep.


I woke up the sun on my leg I sat up slowly. Alexander was fast asleep next to me.

I stood up slowly and walked to the door, the key was in the door...I unlocked it and walked out.I tip toed to the living room..Elizabeth looked up at me from her book.

"You should go back"

"Please...dont make me"

She sighed.

"Sit and watch something just keep quiet"

I nodded, she looked down at her book again.I sat down and switched the TV on putting it soft.

An hour into my TV time..Alexander woke up.

"Where is she!?"Alexander shouted.

 Elizabeth sighed and cursed softly.

"She's watching TV calm down!"she snapped and went back to her book.

I turned the TV off...I saw Alexander in it she looked furious.

"What did I say?"

"I..I just wanted to watch TV thats all"

 She grabbed my neck and pulled me up off the couch, she dragged me into the room.

"You didnt listen"she whispered and put something around my neck.

I looked at her in horror.

"A collar my love"

"I..I'll be good I promise"I begged.

She shook her head and led me on a leash to the living room.

Elizabeth looked up and dropped her book.

"Like it?"Alexander asked tugging on it, to pull me closer.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm making sure she behaves"Alexander said.

She smiled down at me, I looked down.

"She isnt some animal"

"She's mine and I can do, what ever I want with her"Alexander snapped.

Looking down at me again.She kissed my cheek softly and walked down the hall.Tugging me along..I whimpered she backhanded me, I smacked into a wall and looked at her in shock.

"You brought this upon yourself"

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