Chapter 8

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I stared out at the city drinking tea...

Olivia was still fast asleep ,along with Elizabeth and her Mother...

Sally was asleep in her room..

I felt a light tap on my shoulder ,I turned..a woman stood there clad in black leather..she had brown eyes..didn't  look young..definitely a vampire...I stepped back she smiled.

"I'm not here to hurt you"she said.

I watched her and gripped my mug.

"I'm here to speak with you,High Queen Alexander and Queen Elizabeth"she added,I nodded and put my cup down.

"O-kay...thats fine let me go and wake them up"

She shook her head.

"No need for that right now..I wish to speak with you,later with all three of you"

I nodded, I didn't like this, but I knew that I didnt need to yell the house down, or wake up Sally and Olivia.

"Okay.."I said, she smiled and stepped aside, sweeping her arm towards the couch.

I walked to the couch and sat down ,she sat down next to me and smiled again.

"I see why they both love're very beautiful"she said.

"What do you want to talk about?"I asked ,she smiled and looked around the room.

"The arrangement you and the Queens have will not do"

I frowned and looked down at my hands.

"What are you talking about?"

"They must either choose between themselves who gets to marry you...either you choose or-..The last option will be discussed with all of you"

I clenched my jaw and waited she looked at me.

"Why?why do we have to choose I love them both"I said ,she looked at me oddly.

"I know that..the council knows that"

I stood up, ready to tell this woman to leave,  Alexander walked in she smiled at me ,but stopped when she saw the woman with me.

"Arona what do you want?"she asked.

Arona?..stood up and bowed.

Alexander walked to me and kissed me,I smiled.

Elizabeth walked in, she looked at me and smiled ignoring Arona as she bowed.

"Good morning beautiful"she said.

Elizabeth picked me up, she then sat down. Alexander sat down next to us looking at Arona.."The..council wants me to marry one of you"I said, Alexander looked at me then back to Arona.

"Now both you and Queen Elizabeth have heirs with her"Arona said.

"Go on then explain"Elizabeth snapped, I kissed her cheek she smiled and snuggled me protectively.

Alexander abruptly stood up and walked out.

I waited.

Alexander walked back with Olivia ,she was wide awake I smiled...Alexander sat down again and cuddled her close.

"My majesty's the council has..tasked me with informing yourselves..and lady Claudia that one of you are to marry her...either your majesty's decide between yourselves..lady Claudia decides or,your majesty's both marry lady Claudia"Arona said.

Alexander looked at me, then at Arona.

"Tell the council myself and Queen Elizabeth would like a word"Alexander said.

"Of coarse my Queens"Arona said, stood up,bowed and left.

Alexander looked down at Olivia and smiled.

I smiled at her...she's so amazing.

Olivia looked at me and smiled.

I smiled at her and tickled her foot, she giggled and laughed.

I moved off Elizabeth's lap and sat in between her and Alexander .I held Olivia and cuddled her she smiled and giggled.

"I think the councils gone mad"Elizabeth said.

I pulled my shirt down, I moved my bra aside and put Olivia to my chest, she bit into me and drank happily.

Alexander was looking out at the city..Elizabeth was staring at my chest.

I kissed her cheek she smiled and grinned.

"I dont know why they care all of a sudden..I intend to find out"Alexander said.

She turned to me ,she stopped noticing what was going on with the baby ,she smiled and kissed the breast Olivia was drinking from.

"Naughty"I said ,she smiled and nodded.

Sally walked in she smiled and walked to me. She laid down across my lap and Elizabeth's.

I smiled Olivia pulled back. I fixed my shirt and cuddled her.

Sally fell asleep, I smiled and rested against the couch.

"I think we should see them soon"Elizabeth said.

Her Mother looked at her and nodded,"Can we just go now?"she said standing.

Elizabeth looked at her and stood up, laying Sally down gently ,on the couch next to us.

"Alright lets just change"

Alexander stood up ,they kissed my cheeks.

"I..I want to go with"I said standing up ,Olivia playing with my hair.

Alexander looked at me and shook her head.

"Its not safe for you ,my love"she said softly.

"Then why are you going ,I dont want you to get hurt"I said she smiled, and walked to me, she kissed my hand.

"I wont,and neither will Elizabeth"

Elizabeth walked in she smiled at me ,and waved then walked out.

"Promise?"I asked.

"I promise"she said softly, kissing me softly.

She left...I sighed and bathed Olivia ,she giggled and splashed around in the water..she was growing up quickly..I mean I know she's half vampire but still..

Sally the same.

I dressed Olivia and laid her down in her cot..she giggled and looked at me. I smiled and tickled her stomach, she giggled and wiggled around.

"Your so cute my little baby"I said.

Sally walked in and walked to me cuddling into my side, I held her.

I picked her up and put her in my bed and tucked her in.

She fell asleep...Olivia was falling asleep quickly.

I left the door open and walked, to my study leaving the door open too.

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