2-The Scent Of Fear On Your Skin

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Smoothing down the fabric of my black mini skirt I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile

Looking good Cabello.

I fluff my hair and then pout my lips, loving how full they look when I use a gloss on them.

" Camila, desayuno!"

"Si mamá "  I give myself one more glance and then head down the cream carpeted stairs to the kitchen where my mom, dad and little sister Sofia are all sat eating fruit and yoghurt and talking excitedly in a mix of both English and Spanish. The kitchen smells of freshly brewed coffee and some delicious pastry treat my mom is already baking fir us but I just grab a banana, kiss my dad and then my mom on the cheek before ruffling Sofies hair and bidding them farewell. My mom tries to insist that I eat something properly but i promise her I will grab something at school because I'm in a rush.

As I run out of the house and down the garden oath I hear my neighbour Marius let out a slow wolfwhistle

"Looking good Cabello" he says but I just shake my head and try to ignore him, he's 24 compared to my 18 and he's beyond obvious as to what he wants from me and almost every other girl he lays eyes on.

"Mila!" My best friend Eva rushes up behind me and we link arms and she dives right into the rumours she heard about a certain local band and what they got up to with some groupies last night. "Apparently Shawn Mendes went down on Britney McColl in front of everyone at Connors house last night"

I scrunch my nose up at the the thought of A; letting Shawn Mendes anywhere near any intimate part of my body and B; doing it with an audience

"That's so disgusting it can't be true"

"Kaz says there's a video"

"No! Stop!"

"Can you imagine the entire school if not thebentire world watching you with Shawn Mendes between your legs?? I mean he's hot..."

I stop to think about it and I guess Eva is right, he has nice hair and he dresses really well but he's an asshole. He looks at me like he wants to murder me and I don't think he's ever done anything more than grunt at me in the 3 and a half years we have attended high school together

"But the guy has serious issues" Eva continues but I'm too busy trying to remember what his face actually looks like. He wears a lot of hooded tops and sunglasses, I have no idea what colour his eyes are only that they are quite often covered or blood shot.

"He's 18 and already a mess" I agree

"A hot mess" Eva says and we both disolve into giggles.

It doesn't take long for us to walk to the school as we both live in an exclusive area right down the street from it and we are quickly joined by our other friends, MJ and Tyler. We head to the cafeteria and throw our bags down as Tyler heads to grab coffee for us all and the rest of us once again discuss the goings on of last night.

We keep our heads down and whisper knowing Britney and her other dirty groupie friends are sat at the other end of the hall.

"Hey Shawn!" I hear her call out and giggle flirtatiously as 'Perfectly Wrong' enter the room and I pretend to stick my fingers down my throat and gag causing MJ and Eva to giggle loudly and that does the one thing I didn't want to do, gain us the attention of Shawn fuckin Mendes.

He stalks towards our table, his sunglasses cover his eyes and his hoodie covers his hair but I can tell by the way he's moving he's less than impressed and I feel my heart begin so loudly im scared he might be able to hear it. I drop my gaze to the table and hope that he will change his mind and walk the other way but he doesn't. Within seconds he's standing behind me and then he leans over and places his hands on the table so that his head is almost resting on my shoulder and he's caging me in.

"Something funny?" He asks and I can't find an answer I'm too intoxicated by the scent of his cologne that's surrounding me and making me feel like closing my eyes and taking a good long sniff

"Nothing" says Eva as her vision drrops to the table too and her fingers start drumming nervously on the plastic surface

I feel his nose move the skin just below my ear and he sniffs loudly

"Did you just sniff me?!" I ask in disgust as MJ kicks my shin under the table warning me to stop talking

"I did just sniff you Cabello" his voice is low and slow and warms my skin which in turn warms other more intimate places and I gasp at the sensation "I was just getting a good big lung full of fear it's been a while since I smelt it so strongly" he kisses my cheek and then laughs loudly in my ear when I quiver at the contact

"Fuckin loser" I hear him say as he heads to the table his band are sitting at and i feel every drop of  blood in my body rush to my cheeks

"Camila!" Whisper shouts MJ "What the eff was that???" I shrug, unable to form words

"He just sniffed  you and then kissed you!!!" Eva covered her mouth in shock as Tyler returned and placed 4 coffees on the table in front of us

"What did I miss? Why do you all look as though you just witnessed paranormal activity?" Tyler takes his seat and runs his fingers through his short pink spikes. "Seriously ladies, you are beginning to freak me out. What happened?"

"Shawn fuckin Mendes just happened" I grumble, taking a sip of the scalding liquid and brushing my fingers over the skin Shawns mouth was on just minutes earlier

*Chapter 2 just to show the differences in Shawn and Camilas lives. Let me know what you think and what you hope to see from this story, it really gets going after the first two introductory chapters

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