32- Lies

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I lie on my bed staring up at the ceiling as my life seems to spin around me.

Shawn is mad at me and so off to practise to get up to God knows what with Britney and I know that's not really any of my business, especially after the things I said to him but it bothers me, I don't want him with any girl but me!!!

I grip my duvet in frustration

Sofia is no longer speaking to me as she blames me for Shawn missing their nightly Minecraft game and Max keeps messaging me looking for the money I owe him.

I throw myself over onto my stomach and cover my head with a pillow.

How did things get so fucked up???

My stomach growls and I silently curse how greedy my body seems to constantly be just as a knock on my bedroom door pulls me from my gloomy thoughts and I move the pillow from my face and try not to sound as agitated as I feel.

"Sofia I'm not in the mood to hear any more of your complaints!"

The door opens suddenly and Shawns standing there holding something in his hand glaring at me, his hazel eyes dark with annoyance

"Well you'd better be ready to hear my complaints Cabello. What the fuck Is this shit?!" My eyes zero in on the object hes gripping and my heart literally drops in to my stomach

"Where'd you get that?!" I jump up from the bed and grab for the bag but Shawn's way taller and can easily hold it out of my reach

"Why dont you tell me what it is and why the fuck you were buying it on a street corner first?"

"Will you keep your voice down my mom and my sister are downstairs" I try to grab the bag once more but he stuffs it into the pocket of his hoody and then grabs both of my hands in his, lowering his face so it's just inches from mine

"I just googled this shit, you have 30 seconds to explain or I'm going down those stairs and you can explain it to your mother"

"Shawn it's not what it looks like"

"Well what is it then? Because right now it looks pretty fuckin suspicious" his face is red and tense and I know without a doubt he will go and expose me to my mom if I don't convince him otherwise.

"Look sit down, let me explain" he looks doubtful but I take his hand and guide him to my bed where we both take a seat

"Speak Camila because my patience is wearing very fuckin thin tonight"

"Its Eva's" he rolls his eyes but I grab his forearm and beg him with my eyes to believe me "I swear to you. She was being bullied for putting on weight over the Summer  and someone told her about these. I was dating Max at the time, he said he could get them for her"

"So you let your boyfriend supply your best friend with a potentially deadly medication just so she could lose a few pounds? Why didn't she just stop eating all those desserts she stuffs herself with at lunch?"

My face burns as he insinuates it's the easiest thing in the world to lose weight, it isn't, I should know, early morning runs and living off iced water should have me looking like a supermodel but instead I'm still shaped like a slug.

"It was a discussion between Eva and Max, I just ended up and the go between and then when Max and I broke up Trey ended up as the go between between Max and I.

"So this is Evas junk?"

"Yes, give it to me so I can pass it on to her please"

"No way. You got what she paid for, this is extra and it's going straight in the bin"


"Its not up for discussion" I sigh, knowing better than to argue with him but then his hand comes up to my cheek and strokes it gently "Promise me this isn't yours" I try to keep eye contact but my gaze drops to my duvet "I mean it Camila, this stuff is dangerous, if it's yours I want to know. I need to know" he smoothes his finger over the bridge of my nose and just under my eye.

"It's Eva's" I reiterate and he nods his head before kissing the tip if my nose "I'm sorry what I said before" he nods again and moves his kiss to my lips and I feel the tenseness from earlier begin to melt away as his soft kisses become more eager, his hands moving to my shoulders guiding me back until I'm lying under him on my bed.

He leans on one elbow whilst his other hand slides up and down my side, first over my cream sweater and then tentatively moving under it, the rough skin of his palm moving from my hip to my ribcage and then back again as his mouth moves from my lips to my neck and then my collarbone.

The feeling his skin on mine makes my body burn and ache with desire in a way I have never felt before so when his hand slips from my hip to my sex, cupping me and applying pressure over my grey track pants I cant help the moan that escapes my lips.

"Ssssh, your mom is down stairs" he laughs as he kisses the space between my collarbone and the rise of my breasts.

"Sorry" I giggle and then rest my head in the crook of his neck

"Don't apologise, it's fuckin hot when you moan but your mom might not agree with me" he winks and then places his lips back over mine and kisses me like I have never been kissed before, his lips swallowing down every moan and groan of pleasure as he moves his fingers over my sex, playing me with the expertise I have seen him use on his guitar, slow circles and perfect pressure have me panting into his mouth and squirming below him in record time.

He nibbles on my neck, breaking every now and then to whisper his darkest desires into my skin, each dirty word pushing me further and further from my control.

"Shawn" I pant his name against his cheek as he kisses my breasts over my sweater and continues to work my heat. "Fuck Shawn!"

"Sssssh" he whispers against my breast, his warm breath burning through my sweater and heating my nipple and proving to be as much as I can take as my back arches, pushing my sex further into his touch as my body stills and then shudders against him as the waves of indescribable feelings flow throw me from my heat to the tips of my fingers and the top of my toes.

I wrap myself around him, clinging on like a koala, unable to speak or process a single thought. I had orgasmed to my own touch multiple times before but nothing could have prepared me for an orgasm under Shawns touch.

I allow my teeth to dig into the flesh of his shoulder as my body finally begins to calm and with it my mind.

*how long can she fool him? How long can he fool her???

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