29- In My Arms

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"Mendes!" Connor pulls me into a man hug as though he hadn't seen me for years and then the very pretty blond behind the counter of the coffee shop calls my order and as I take it I feel her fingers gently move over mine

"Mandy" she says sweetly and I notice she is slipping me a phone number with my coffee

"Shawn" I inform her, slipping the paper into my pocket and dropping her a wink that makes her blush.

It never fails!

"Okay, Okay, stop flirting with the staff and let's talk" we take a seat near the window and I sip my coffee watching the eye candy as it walks by

"So where'd you disappear to last night?"

"I just wasn't feeling it so I headed home" I lie

"Well you shouldn't have headed home because Brit and Lara were definitely feeling It, in fact they ended up feeling each other, here I have a video I will send it to you"

I shake my head at the craziness that gors on at out band rehersals but don't turn down the opportunity to watch some girl on girl action, saving the video to my phone and then placing it down on the table before returning to my coffee.

"So are you coming to practise tonight?"

I shake my head as I take another sip and drum my fingertips on the table top knowing I have plans with Camila but there's no way I'm admitting that to Connor.

"I have something I need to do"

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm translating that to you have someone you need to do. Who's the lucky lady?"

I just shrug not wanting to get into this conversation with him right now.

"Come on spill..." my phone vibrating on the table stops the inquisition but unfortunately he snatches it up before I can.

"Camila Cabello wondering what she should wear tonight. Explain please" I try to grab my phone but he holds it out of reach so I punch him hard in the stomach causing him to double over and giving me the chance to take my phone back from him.

"Its nothing you don't already know about" I mumble, pushing my phone into my pocket and filling my mouth with the hot black liquid so I don't have to speak and once he's recovered from my fist colliding with his gut he throws his head back and laughs

"Poor, innocent Cabello, soon to be not so innocent Cabello once my man Mendes deflowers her and leaves  her crying into her pom poms" he throws his arm around my shoulder and laughs as though it's the funniest thing is the world I on the other hand rub a hand over my face knowing there's nothing funny about this shit at all.



"I hope I look okay, you didn't text me back when I asked what to wear"

She does a twirl and I try not to drool. Normally I'm a fan of the fewer clothes the better but the way the skin tight white jeans hug her ass has me desperate to see what's underneath whilst letting her look like class instead of the trash I usually associate with. The white crop top allows me to see a large chunk of her tight stomach and my hands are already stuggling to resist reaching out and touching her.

This is going to be a long night!


I realise I'm just staring and not speaking and she's waiting for my answer so I blink a few times trying to get my mind out of the gutter

"You look incredible"

"But no legs or boobs" she says with a pout, pointing to her jeans and then her chest

"Today it's all about that ass" I give it a pat and she squeals and giggles. "Come on, let's go" I take her hand in mine and we head down her path towards my car. I stop at the passenger side and open the door for her and she giggles again and calls me a 'gentleman'. I have been called a lot of things in my life but a 'gentleman' is not one of them.

Taking my seat I reach into the rear of the vehicle and lift a brown paper bag from the seat as my heart speeds up, wondering if this is a bit weird and if she will think I'm being lame but before I can change my mind I put the bag into her hands

"What's this?" She asks, her brows lowering in confusion as she reaches into the bag and pulls out the jar

"It's my avôs home made peri-peri sauce" I feel my face burn as I say It, suddenly embarrassed that I ever thought this was a good idea but I have come this far so I plough on. "She sends me it twice a year for Portugal. I have to keep it hidden though cos Mary doesn't like 'foreign shit' in the house"

"That's probbably why she wasn't happy to see me there" she jokes but that shit isn't funny to me in the slightest

"Don't do that. Don't make a joke out of her racist crap"


Her head drops and she looks like a child that has been reprimanded, she looks so cute but I feel bad for snapping so I reach over and lift her chin so she's looking at me

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap but you are a beautiful Latin girl, don't joke about being foreign shit like that okay it's not funny to me" I kiss her lips softly and then watch as she smiles and blushes as I release her chin. "So where are we going? Dinner?" I ask as I start the engine and then pull out in to the street

"I'm sorry Shawn but I'm not really hungry right now, my mom spent the afternoon baking so obviously I spent the evening eating" I look her up and down and can't believe she ever eats baked goods, there's barely anything on her and what there is seems to all be gathered in that juicy ass of hers

"No problem. So what? Movies? Bowling?"

"You know what I would like to do with you?"

"Do you want the R rated answer or the PG 13 answer?"  I smirk and then laugh loudly as I watch her blush at my words.

"This is our first date so lets just keep it PG13, at least for now"

"Okay well my brain doesn't really work in PG13 thoughts so you had had better just tell me before I get myself into trouble"

"I would love to just go for walk along the beach with you and get to know you better. Not just Shawn the school bad boy with a bad reputation but Shawn Mendes, the guitar player from Portugal that gifts girls Peri-Peri sauce on their first date"

"Sorry if that was lame but I..."

"No it wasn't lame!" She wraps her small hands over mine "It was beautiful and thoughtful and I absolutely love it" she leans over and kisses my cheek and I'm aware we are both smiling idiots but fuck It, it feels good and not much in my life has ever felt good.

She reaches over and puts the radio on, her brows nipping together and her lips pouting as she goes from one radio station to the next. She looks ridiculously hot as she bites her lip in concentration and I smile to myself as I sit back in my seat and  guide the car onto the freeway and head towards the beach knowing it will only be a matter of time before my lips are on hers and I'm holding her in my arms.

*comment and vote whilst the going is good????

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