12- Suspicious Minds

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"Okay, what's going on?" Eva and MJ take 2 of the 3 empty seats at my table, slamming down their lunch trays and fixing me with suspicious looks.

"Going on with what?" I ask as I push my salad around my plate halfheartedly

"You and Mendes"

"Nothing" I stab a piece of lettuce and place it on my tongue, immediately regretting my decision as the texture makes me want to vomit but I'm in amongst people so I close my eyes, force the vomit inducing vegetable down my throat and then chase it was a glug of water.

"Nothing?" MJ looks at me as though I had just made the most ridiculous statement but it's the truth. Ever since we kind of called a truce on the sports field last week, there's been nothing. Well nothing to talk about, no more make out sessions or screaming matches, no more flirting on the football pitch

"So last week started out with him deciding to make your life a living hell, it ended with you sat flirting with him on the field" I raise my fork to protest but Eva's not letting me get a word in edgeways. "Don't tell me you weren't flirting, you were and he was flirting back, I  fact he was almost fucking you with his eyes"

"He was not..." this time MJ decides to cut in.

"And then on Saturday he follows you on Instagram and you immediately follow him back and then proceeds with what looks very similar to a stalking spree with each of you liking each other's photos"

"Stalking spree?!" You two are the only stalkers" I huff and then push my plate into the middle of the table which Eva takes as me giving her permission to devour the chocolate pudding I chose and then rejected.

"You do realise he only liked the photos of you in swimwear" she says through a mouthful of chocolate gooeyness and I feel my mouth curl in disgust.

"Camila, we're worried" MJ rests a hand on my shoulder as we notice a familiar voice and then group enter the food hall. Perfectly Wrong and their gang of groupies. "Look at you!!" She grabs my chin and pulls my face around to look at her. "He walks in here and you're practically drooling"

"You're being ridiculous" I look down at my newly painted fingernails as a loud giggle rips through the room I look over to see Britney sat on Shawns lap as he speaks into her ear causing her to blush and giggle and causing the anxious ball In my stomach to grow.

"Prove it"

"And how do I do that?"

"Choose any guy in here and invite him to Greysons party this Friday"

I shake my head at the immaturity of Eva but MJ is nodding as though it's the best idea she's ever heard

"In fact, pick a guy at one of the tables near Mendes and let's see how he reacts"

"He's not going to care, he has a meal in front of him and his next one is sat on his knee" I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, hating how uneasy it makes me feel to see Shawn with another girl, especially now I know how amazing he tastes.

"Well once you do and see that he really doesn't care maybe it will cure this 'crush' or whatever it is you seem to have developed on that meat head"

"I haven't developed anything for Shawn, I just don't hate him the way you want me to"

"Do it then... "

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" They both chat and for some reason I'm rising to my feet and heading towards the back of the hall towards the table Shawn is sitting at. My heart hammering in my chest as anxiety bubbles in my stomach.



'Do it! Do it do it!'

Do what though?

I watch the two girls chanting at Camila and eventually she begins to stand up, slowly, as though she's being encouraged to do something she doesn't want to do.
I watch with interest as she begins to head in my direction.

"Hi Shawn" she smiles sweetly and I just open my mouth to respond when Britney forces her tongue into my mouth. I push her away roughly, embarrassed for some reason that Camila witnessed that but when I remove Britney from my lap I see Camila standing at the table next to mine looking seductively at Johan Cross. Her bottom lip, the same one I enjoyed sucking on just a few days ago is pulled beneath her teeth and I feel my stomach squeeze as I strain to hear what's being said

"Hi Johan" and then she giggles and I want to grab her, throw her over my shoulder and take her as far away from his probing blue eyes as possible. I see him look her up and down and then grin like he can't believe his luck.

Make the most of it pal because you aren't that lucky, especially when I'm around and especially when I'm in the mood to make a scene.

I listen as she invites him to Greysons party on Friday and then watch him drool as his mind travels through all the options he would have with a wasted Camila and I grin knowing im going to be there and I'm going to thwart every move he's going to make.

I watch as they blush at each other and then she waves shyly and steps away.

"Hey Cabello" I say, everyone looking to me in surprise but Connor bites back a knowing smile and I want to slap him across the head. Camila turns and raises her eyebrows but doesn't say a word "I'll see you at Greysons party this Friday" I wink at her and then grin as the blush Johan induced turns into a burning red for me.

Game on Johan my friend and know for fuckin sure when I play, I play to win and follow nobodies rules but my own

*anyone looking forward to the party?

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