6 Months

818 80 11


The drunken singing and dancing has finally died down and as I peer out my bedroom door I see the lights are off I can hear my dad and his wife snoring the way only drunken sleepers snore.

I'm just about to pull my door shut when I hear what sounds like someone knocking at my front door, something that never happens. I'm so sure that it's nothing more than the wind thats howling due to the storm that's raging outside that I'm just about to ignore it when I hear someone saying my name

"Camila?" I rush down my stairs, terrified of what has brought Camila to my house but also terrified of the scene that will play out if my drunken 'parents' wake up to find a girl at the door.

Pulling the door open I see her standing there, no coat just a thin blue t-shirt and blue denim jeans "Camila!" I grab her and pull her out of the rain and then realise the hell I am dragging her in to and begin to panic.

"I had to see you!"

"You can't be here! God Camila you can't be at my house!" I whisper yell it at her but she's shivering as her soaked clothing clings to her body and it looks as though she's been crying


I don't want her here, I don't want her in amongst this mess but I want her with me, I want her warm and dry and smiling in my arms


"Okay close your eyes, I don't want you to see the state of this place"


"Please Camila"

"I have been here before, remember?"

"Humour me?"

She huffs and then closes her eyes and just for the hell of it I scoop her up and carry her bridal style up the stairs. Laughing as she squeals in surprise at my sudden movement.

Once we are safely in my room I shut and then lock the door and as I turn to face her she throws herself into my arms and kisses me as through it's the last thing she will ever do.
I kiss her back and then move away slightly so I can pull her top over her head

"You're wet" I say, meaning the clothes she's wearing but she just smiles up at me, trouble brewing in her eyes

"You have that affect on me" she winks and we melt into the kiss once more, my arms around her naked back and my body already desperate for more, so, so, much more

"Okay, Okay..." I pull away properly this time and then head to my closet and take out a T-shirt that I know will be ten sizes too big and a pair of boxers "get changed and then get into bed to warm up" I instruct her whilst I slip out of my room and down to the basement where I put her clothes into the drier only I ever use.

By the time I get back she's wrapped warmly in my clothes and lying under my duvet, her hair pulled into a long plait. I kick off my jeans and then crawl in next to her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her as close to me as humanly possible and then sighing with contentment.

"I like your room" she says and her warm breath hits my chest "it's so clean and tidy and smells just like you"

"Thanks, I used to try and keep the rest of the house this way, when I was younger I would get up before school and tidy up the mess from the night before but by the time I got home it was a wreck again so I just gave up" I kiss the top of her head as her arms squeeze my waist and she kisses my chest.

"Dave Quinn wrote my parents a letter, they received it today"

I just nod my head, unsurprised

"Telling then we had been seeing each other behind their back, how he had done everything he could to protect me from you"

"You have to be kidding me. He protected you?!"

"My dad completely lost it, he took my phone, banned me from ever seeing you again he's going to speak to the school to make sure we aren't in the same classes anymore"

"Well he doesn't have to worry about that" I run my hand over her hair and just enjoy the warmth and closeness "Quinn wrote a letter to the principal, I'm expelled as of today"

"What?!" She sits up and gazes at me, her eyes wide with shock "they can't do that"

"They can, they did. It doesn't matter though, don't stress it"

"Shawn! You don't get to graduate!" She collapses down onto my chest and I feel her begin to cry "this isn't what I want for you, you don't deserve this. If anyone is getting expelled it should be me!" I feel her tears beginning to soak through my T-shirt

"It's fine. Don't cry Mila please"

"Why is he doing this to us?"

"Maybe we should have just reported him" her head snaps up to fast she almost hits me in the face

"No! Then he would have told the police and you would be in jail. I can't be without you, I need you"

"I need you too" I kiss her forehead and close my eyes enjoying the way she makes me feel so secure, so grounded, so safe

"We had to do whatever it took so that we could be together. You can't go to jail Shawn"

"Okay" I whisper it into her hair and she settles down against my chest once more

"Remember when you said you were saving to go to Portugal? Are you still doing that?"

I begin running my finger up and down her spine "Well I have had to start my savings from scratch after my dad and Mary spent my last lot on booze but yeah that's still my dream"

"Then I want that too"

I pull away slightly and look into her eyes asking her silently what she means

"After graduation. Just you and I and a flight to Portugal. Please Shawn, let's do it. Let's get away from all of this bullshit and let's just be together"

"You don't mean that, what about your family?"

"It would just be one year"

"A year?!"

" I will tell them before we go, I still want to go to college but I can do it when we get back. Please Shawn, say we can do it. It will our Wicked Plan. To escape to Portugal and just be together"

She looks into my eyes so intently I know she's serious. 6 months and then me, Camila and Portugal...

I rest my forehead against hers

"Eu amo você" I whisper

"Does that mean yes?"

I wrap my arms under her and pull her so she's lying on top of me "Portugal here we come baby" she presses her lips to mine and I feel her smile into the kiss

"Now make me cum baby"

"Sim Senhorita" And she giggles as I whip my T-shirt over her head and then bury my face in her neck

6 months...

That's all I have to make it through

6 months...

*Please comment and vote and if you don't mind going back to vote on The Game Part 1 I had to rewrite that would be awesome x

* my new book Diva has 2 chapters published, please give it a read and let me know what you think

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