The Burn

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"Cabello!" I spin around at the sound of the voice, knowing immediately that I'm in trouble


"Where's my money?"

"I uh..." he moves towards me so fast I don't have time to run as he now stands just inches from me, one arm leaning against the wall the other pressing hard into my chest

"You owe me 200 dollars"

"I know, I'm sorry, I will get it for you I promise!"

I don't know how the hell im going to find 2 hundred dollars but Max doesn't play nice when it comes to his 'business' even when it comes to ex-girlfriends

"I want it by tomorrow Camila"

"Tomorrow?! Be reasonable I can't get it for tomorrow but next week... I will get it for you by next week Max I promise"


"Fine! Monday!"

"And you get nothing else from me until it's paid"

"What?! No! You can't do that! Max please I need it"

"And I need my money"

"Please..." I grab hold of his arm in desperation "Max please!"

"Nothing!" He repeats, ripping his arm from my grip "And I'm only being this nice because I could do without making an enemy of your new boy"

"I wont tell him! He doesn't know. Max please, you don't understand, I need those pills!"

"Well learn to pay your debts on time and you won't have these problems" he turns and walks away, leaving me alone and panicking.

I lift up my black t shirt and nip at my stomach. How am I supposed to get rid of this fat if I don't have my pills???

I let my body slide down the cool brick wall and then drop to the ground as I put my head between my knees and try to focus on my breathing.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, but Instead of breathing out I let out the loudest scream I possibly can and then rest my head between my knees

I hate myself so much!!! I hate my body, I hate what I have done to Shawn, to my family, I hate that Dave Quinn is walking around whilst Shawns future lies at his feet

I grip a tight hold of my hair and scream again

Shawn was expelled, because of me. My parents are fighting because of me. If I was a better daughter, a better girlfriend, none of this would be happening. Shawn would still be in school, my parents would still be happy


I look up into the eyes of Shawns red head friend

"Are you okay?" I look at him with surprise and then shake my head and I see his face fall like he had just wanted me to say yes and then let him walk away

"Shawn asked me to watch out for you now he's not in school"

"I miss him" I can't help the truth that spills over my lips

"Yeah, me too" he laughs "I'm actually going to have to start taking gym class again. Look Camila, I don't know what happened the other week but I'm assuming Shawn sorted it, right?"

I nod my head not wanting to go into details

"If he, or you need someone to say you were somewhere other than where you were then you just have to say. Shawns my best friend, whatever he needs, just ask"

I nod again knowing now why Shawn likes this guy so much but also knowing that my silence means Shawn doesn't have to worry about the cops turning up at his door

"Any ways, you need anything, have any problems with anyone come to me, like I said I promised Shawn I would look out for you whilst you're here and he's not"

I nod and the red head turns and heads towards the parking lot and I finally push myself to my feet, spotting Britney standing at her car and drinking something out of a glass bottle. I don't know why but suddenly I'm moving in her direction

"What are you drinking?" I ask as though I have every right in the world to know

"Vodka, I'm going to Perfectly Wrongs practise with Connor and I'm just getting the party started early. Are you going?"

"I don't think so, Shawn hasn't invited me and my parents are like prison wardens right now. Can I have some?" She looks at the bottle in her hand and then to me and then back to the bottle

"I don't think Shawn would appreciate me giving you alcohol Camila, sorry"

"He's my boyfriend Britney, not my parent, he doesn't make my decisions for me"

"I'm supposed to be looking out for you right now not leading you astray"

"Well it seems like I have plenty of people looking out for me right now. You're the only one that knows what it's like, to not be able to get his face out of my head, the constantly smell him, feel him, hear him. I just want something to get rid of him , even if it's just for a little while" I see Britney stop and think and then finally she hands me the bottle and I take a huge gulp before Shawns voice enters her head and she changes her mind

"Don't tell him I gave you that okay?"

I nod as the liquid burns a trail from my mouth to my stomach and a sudden rush of adrenaline hits me. It's the most beautiful feeling I have ever felt that hasn't been caused by Shawn and I want more of it

"Can I come to practise with you? To surprise Shawn?"

"What about your parents?"

"Fuck them" I giggle as I open the passenger side of Brits car, she seems to hesitate and then takes a gulp

"Fuck them all" she states with a smile and then rounds the car and gets into the drivers side. We fasten our seatbelts and she hands me the glass bottle with a smile

"To new friendships" I say as I take a gulp and sit back in the seat and just enjoy the burn

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